XVI | Scrambled Eggs & Secrets

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I've been wondering for two days if it's too much to ask to go back to New York

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I've been wondering for two days if it's too much to ask to go back to New York.

Sure I wasn't the best of people there, I'm not now, but that's not the point. At least I wasn't running from cars being set on fire by Jughead's father? Or investigating the death of a boy I never knew. Or becoming close to all his friends especially his twin sister.

What is Riverdale adding to this chapter in the story of my life?

I didn't think I would ever get a "normal" day back while being here, so Cheryl dragging me out of bed in the early morning, to get breakfast at Pop's, was as close as I was gonna get.

"Veronica, pay attention," Cheryl demands as she pinches my arm, making me slap her hand away.

"I am. Stop pinching me," I say before I quickly glare at her then stare back at my fluffy scrambled eggs. "I should've never sat next to you."

"You can't stay away from me. That's why you're next to me."

I roll my eyes but she continues anyway with her thoughts.

"You need someone to protect you. You don't know Riverdale like I do, so I'll just guide you and take care of you along the way."

"I don't need to be protected." I turn my head, intending to give Cheryl a reassuring look that I'm okay on my own, but the usual cold chestnut brown eyes I'm used to seeing, are replaced with a pair that are illuminated from the sunlight radiating through the window. Two soft honey colored irises stare at me, calming me but also making me feel invited and safe.

I guess Cheryl got what she wished for because I actually feel safe around her.

But I've noticed that those eyes have become more and more relaxed. Hopefully it's a sign that she's coming back to herself. And I know I'm a big cause of it. Maybe she found whatever Jason was to her in me.

Or close to it.

"Who else is going to do it? Last time we went out you got hurt. Right here," Cheryl pokes my side as I wince. But this time I don't slap her hand away, I grab it.

"Cheryl," I angrily mutter through my teeth before her plump cherry red lips form a smile.

"I'm older than you, I'm like a mentor for you. I have to take care of you."

"You don't."

Cheryl shrugs, obviously feeling as if she won and I continue to eat my food.

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