Stupid, Chauvinistic Mate.

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"Mal." Someone shook my shoulder. I didn't respond. "Mal." Same person sat on the bed and shook me harder. "Mal." More insistent this time the person starting jumping on my bed and singing off-key in my ear. I grunted, propped myself on my elbow, and shoved.

Kody fell to the floor with a thump. I resisted the urge to laugh and instead pulled my sheets above my head. Kody got up and laid down on me, suffocating me. I thrashed and felt him fall off again, this time laughing. I growled, but he just ignored it and yanked the sheets off the bed, and me with them since I was holding them so tightly.

I grumbled, staring up at a smirking Kody. I whacked his leg and rolled over, straightening my top as I went. I growled again. Kody just watched me, totally amused by my not amused attitude. Stomping over to my closet, I grabbed the cleanest smelling thing and went into my bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

Fives minutes later, I reentered my room to find Kody sitting at my desk, IMing someone. I looked over his shoulder.

VanHalen: Dude, wat does THAT mean?

I recognized Kody's friend Noah's IM. I rolled my eyes.

Kody shot me an irritated look. I just observed him with wide eyes. He snorted, turning back to the computer screen.

LedZep: It MEANS that ur on ur own 4 this 1.

Kody signed off and I opened my mouth. He gave me a look. I shrugged, slugged his shoulder, and and smiled cutely at him. He snorted again and followed me out of my room.

In the kitchen, Garrett was at the stove stirring something. I veered in the opposite direction, holding my hand to my nose, even though nothing smelled yet. Chrissy and Chelsea were arguing over a pair of shoes. I tried really hard not to roll my eyes. Mike was leering at me. I flipped him off. Not very dignified for a future alpha, I know, but where Mike is concerned, I really couldn't care less.

Dad wasn't down yet and I saw no sign of the others' parents, so I grabbed my car keys, a thing of yogurt and was almost out the door before Dad spoke to me.

Come upstairs.

But I'll be late, I said back, trying really hard to sound like I actually cared if I was late or not. In response, I got a mental image of a scowling face. Sighing, I turned around and went to my dad's office. I realized that there was a new scent, one that was utterly mouth-watering. I followed that, not really caring if the scent led me in the direction I was supposed to be going. Turns out it did. I stopped in front of Dad's door, a confused frown on my face. I couldn't hear anything inside, though that wasn't a surprise. Dad's office was sound-proofed, what with all the extra-sensitive ears around here. I opened the door without knocking, and right away my eyes were drawn to the boy sitting in my chair.

Weird thing to get possessive about, a chair. I thought to myself, trying to curb the desire to jump into the fabulous-smelling boy's lap and bury my face in his hair.

The boy, I noticed, was staring at me with what seemed to be equal intensity. I studied him, fighting my way out of the daze that left my wolf panting. His dark hair flopped in the hottest way. My mouth went dry. He seemed to be tall, and muscular, but not in a flashy, look-at-my-muscle's-aren't-I-manly? way. He had tattoos covering both his arms. My mouth filled. His lips where full and pink, in a way that made him look tougher. Again, with the dryness. But his eyes. . .Oh man, his eyes. They were this beautifully weird color green, like jade.

I realized that I seemed to be having weird reactions to this boy. It then occurred to me that this must be my mate.

We must have been good in a past life. I murmured to my wolf, still staring at the boy.

Yum. My wolf agreed. I blinked in confusion. Whenever mated couples talk about when they first saw their mates, their wolves always said something like, Mine. I then smirked. Of course, this was my wolf we were talking about, so naturally everything even approaching normal turned tail and ran in the opposite direction.

I became aware of Dad leaning back in his chair, with his arms folded across his chest, glaring at the boy--my mate. I growled softly, glaring at Dad briefly, before the surprise caught up with me. Dad looked up at me with eyebrows raised, obviously trying to decide whether or not to be difficult or just to indulge me. For future advice, it is usually best to indulge me. Dad smiled at me before gesturing to the chair next to my mate. I barely saw it because my eyes were already back on him. My feet carried me across the floor and into the chair next to him. The only reason I didn't plop down on his lap like my wolf was so expertly trying to persuade me to do, is because my dad might tolerate me being difficult with him, but mate or not, he was going to put this gorgeous boy through his paces, no matter how much my wolf and I (mostly her. I usually find this kind thing enormously funny) whine about it.

Dad cleared his throat. Three times. Mate and I did not look away from each other. Finally he got up and stepped between us. We both growled loudly, before snapping out of it and calming down. I leaned back. Dad stepped back behind his desk at sat down, glaring at the boy again. In control of my wolf once more, I only rolled my eyes at him.

After taking a breath, Dad turned to me. "Malakye, this is Seth. He has requested transfer to our pack, and as future alpha you needed to be here." He cleared his throat. "Especially since he has been practically foaming at the mouth since he caught your scent." Dad grumbled unhappily. I wasn't fooled. I knew he was happy that I found my mate. He was just disgruntled about me finding my mate, the man I'm to spend the rest of my life with. He's a dad remember?

And yes, my name is Malakye. When my mom was pregnant with me, she and Dad went to the zoo, where they saw bears. One of the bears was named Malakye. So yes, I am a werewolf. Who was named after a bear. Get over it.

I brought my head back to earth when I realized my wolf was purring.

What the hell? I asked her. You are not purring.

Shut up. She snapped back at me, then resumed in her purring. Inwardly, I groaned. Where did she get such a mouth?

Oh wait. She's my wolf. Never mind then.

I turned to look at Seth--mm--and couldn't even muster the self-control to mutter, Mistake.

Because there was no way in hell ever looking at my mate could ever be a mistake and for once my wolf actually agreed with me. That is until Seth opened his mouth.

"Malakye?" He asked, mockingly. I couldn't even revel in his voice before what he said and the look on his face sunk in. Seth smirked and winked at me.

Oh, great. I said sarcastically. You sure know how to pick 'em, I told my wolf.

She huffed. She wasn't happy with her mate or with me for blaming this on her.

I could say the same to you. She muttered darkly.

Stupid, chauvinistic mate.

Author's note: Sorry about the whole cliched mate thing. But on the bright side my wacky imagination will surely make this interesting.

Vote! Comment! Please have mercy! This is only my second story and I'm new to Wattpad, so I'm requesting patience while I get my footing.

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