I Come to Realize I'm Somewhat A Hypocrite.

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I stabbed a leaf in the salad in front of me.

Why the hell had I gotten a salad in the first place?

My wolf huffed in agreement. I rolled my eyes.

It was lunch time and as has been the usual since Monday, all the girls were drooling at the feet of my mate. I growled to myself. How can I be possessive of someone I don't want? So even though I don't want him, no one else can have him? Since when have I been that girl? 

See, clearly Seth is a bad influence on me. My wolf snorted at this.

Right, she said sarcastically. Like you weren't trouble even in the womb.

I huffed. We had some sort of bond of dislike for our mate, even though we wished there wasn't still a part of us that still wanted him.

I fought the snarl, remembering what happened.

Two Days Ago:

"Malakye?" Seth said sarcastically, waving a hand in front of my face. I turned to him and smiled sweetly.

"Yes?" I asked, only Dad able to hear the threat in my voice. My wolf was snarling very loudly and I was having trouble concentrating, because it sounded like she was snarling to the beat of Ignorance by Paramore. I almost laughed at that.

Seth smiled, pleased that I seemed to be a submissive female, who is more than willing to follow anything a dominant male says. Everyone who knew me, knew that I used this ploy alot, to lure my prey into a false sense of superiority.

My wolf chuckled darkly, reveling in the look that was sure to be on our mates face when he realized how utterly screwed he was.

Seth smirked. "I was just asking if you'd like to go on a run." The, Where I can show my inferior mate how superior and male I am went unspoken.

I smiled serenely. "Nope." I popped the p and looked at Seth cheerily. Seth blinked and his eyes hardened a little.

"You sure you don't want to go on a run?" He asked, using a little of what I'm sure he thought of as authority in his voice. I just looked at him and deliberately shook my head.

"I have to get to school." I said, standing up. Seth followed me with his eyes. I couldn't help but notice Dad's self-satisfied smirk. He clearly knew where this was going and was enjoying it immensely. Inwardly, I smiled mischievously.

So was I.

"School can wait. I think we should get to know each other." Or, I'm more important than books, and I want you. Now.

I smiled at him, then spoke very slowly. "Babe, I don't care. Okay? You can try to force your dominance on me--though I highly recommend you don't--and try to 'wear the pants in this relationship' but the fact is, that I am notoriously stubborn, a feminist, and an Alpha. And that alone makes me more dominant, screw gender." I winked,and  turned on my heel--but not before taking in Seth's shocked and angry face and Dad's red face--from containing laughter.

I stalked out of the house and to my car.

My wolf was very unhappy. She wished of me to sit on mate and bite his neck, and make him submit. While I could have done that, I'm not sure what direction it would've taken if I had.


I snorted, thinking about his smirking face. I stabbed at the salad with renewed vigor. Kody looked at me and then looked sympathetically at the salad. He knew all about the mate thing of course, and he thought I was being unreasonable.

I kicked him under the table. He shot me a look. I mouthed, Benidict Arnold. He rolled his eyes.

My wolf was still grumbling over the whole thing and wasn't very happy that mate seemed to be very happy with the attention he'd been receiving from the females, most of whom were werewolves. None knew that he was my mate, otherwise none would even look at him. I suddenly had the desire to rip every female apart and then shout and growl that he is MINE.

I shook my head and growled at myself.

Great, I thought. Still can't shake the whole possessive thing can you?

Shut up. That was as much your thought as it was mine. Possibly more since I could have sworn you thought about ripping Heather apart specifically.

Hey! Don't go lecturing me about that. You didn't like her pawing all over what is ours--

What the--?

NO! Not ours! We don't want him, the stupid, chauvinistic male, anymore than he wants us.

I glanced at him again and immediately regretted it. Heather was pressed up against Seth and he was definitely not pushing her away. Before I knew it, I was halfway across the caf. I stopped.

On the one hand, one look from me and all of these females will disperse. On the other, I don't want him, he doesn't want me, so why should I ruin his fun?

Because he doesn't want us, my wolf whispered, and I suddenly realized how devastated I was about how he rejected us. We were both secretly hoping that he'd get over his stupid ideas of dominance, and at least come after us, calm us down, and try to compromise. But he didn't. And I hadn't realized until now how much I'd been banking on my mate.

I mean, I've always been told how stubborn I am, how it's not my place to make my opinion count, that it never will because I'm a girl. Not because it's a bad point. Not because it has no merit. Because I'm not male. That's it.

I realized I'd always been hoping that my mate would have the same views. Would appreciate me because I'm not afraid to go against everything I was ever told and try to recreate the image of women. Would think I was beautiful even though I refused to dress like I slut, or wear makeup.

I realized how much these expectations made me vulnerable, and I hated it. Hated that I relied so heavily on a guy, no matter how much I spew about being independent.

I had all these thoughts in the middle of the caf, with everyone staring at me. And I mean everyone.

I looked around and smirked. Blew kisses to the jocks, winked at the art geeks, and strutted past the horde of skanks clawing at my mate. I didn't even look at Seth as I walked past. 

But I could feel his eyes on me.

My wolf huffed with pleasure. Let him see what he's missing.

Author's Note: Okay, not sure HOW I feel about this chapter. I'll probably end up taking it off later. Also, when I wrote "mate" without the my or whatever, it was like Mal's wolf's thoughts even though she wasn't actually saying anything really. But anyway, it was intentional.

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