It Was JUST A Lamp. . .

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Seth sat up and looked at me curiously. I smiled.

Walking towards him slowly, I lifted one shoulder in a shrug. I tried to keep the smirk of my face as his became a little dazed. It was always amusing--and gross--to watch mated couples, because the girls often did something totally mundane and their mates would look like Seth did now.

I sat on the bed beside him. His eyes widened, then narrowed suspiciously.

I didn't know whether to be annoyed that he knew me so well, or happy that he knew me so well.

"As I said, I've been thinking," I whispered as I leaned toward him. Unconsciously, he leaned into me. I smiled softly, looking into his eyes. Such a pretty green.

In one swift movement, I turned Seth's head to the side, tilted my head, and sank my teeth into his neck.

He jumped a little, jerking back a bit, before settling towards me.

I could hear the hum of both our wolves as I bit harder, marking my mate.

Finally, I pulled back and smiled smugly at Seth. He still looked dazed, but for an entirely different reason.

Then, he snapped out of it and glared at me. I smiled, leaning forward and blowing in his face.

The reaction was instant. He leaned so far forward, that I leaned back. And back, and back. . .until my ass hit the floor, Seth following right on top of me.

Sucking in a breath, a pushed him off me. I jumped to my feet and retreated to the corner of the room--not a wise position, as I was now trapped. Seth blinked, and shook his head.

"Why did you do that?" He asked, growling slightly. I tilted my head.

"Push you off of me? Because I'd rather wait until after we're married. Old fashioned, I know." I shrugged playfully, dead serious, but so not above teasing him about it. He gave me a you're-so-infuriating-that's-so-sexy look.

Yeah, I'm so good, I can read expressions like that, like those people on Lie to Me. Love that show.

"No," He said slowly, drawing the word out. "Why did you mark me?"

"Because your my mate." I replied, not answering the actual question. He sighed. Looked at me.

Then did something I totally did not expect.

He ran across the room, grabbed my waist, flopped my onto the floor, then sat on my chest.

I blinked up at him and smiled. I would have stopped him, but this is just far too amusing.

"Why did you mark me?" He leaned down and huffed in my face. I felt my eyes cross a little.

Well, of course! If we had that effect on him, then obviously he'd have the same on us.

Your just now realizing this? Seriously? My wolf complained, fighting to get closer to mate. I bit my lip. Seth stared down at me, like he was having trouble concentrating.

Oh, yeah. . . . I would have hit my forehead, if Seth had not been sitting on my arms.

I sighed heavily, trying to get Seth distracted enough so that I could. . .

I flipped Seth onto his back and straddled him.

. . .do that.

He looked at me, a mixture of shock and lust in his eyes. I swallowed.


"I marked you, because you refused to mark me. How is that for fighting for your beliefs, hmm? Instead of depending on you to mark me, I marked you myself." I said triumphantly.

"Mal. . ." Seth started.

"Yeah?" I asked distractedly.

His eyes were so green. . .

Eyes that seemed closer to me. . .

Wait, what?

Seth pressed his mouth to mine.


My wolf howled, and I--



"Malakye, Seth, the rogues are--am I interrupting something?" Kody said, bursting in.

So, the fact that he was interrupting us sharing our first kiss may or may not have to do with the fact that a lamp was broken from being thrown across the room. In Kody's general direction.

But, you know, it was just a lamp.

So do you like???? I know, short! Anyway, I can just imagine you all laughing at my pleas for feedback :)

Well, whatever you bunch of people who love reading and writing.

Yes, that WAS a insult, and NO it is not funny!

Thank you for reading, even if it IS just random clicking.


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