So, I Was Thinking. . .

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Author's Note at end.


"I know what needs to happen." I said. Seth looked at me, clearly baffled. I smiled.

Dad, I noticed, was back to glaring at Seth.

Still hilarious.

"What?" Seth asked. I took a deep breath.

"We mark each other." I said, looking between them. Seth looked surprised and confused and Dad looked resigned and proud.

"What will that do?" Seth asked, aware that Dad and I got what he was missing.

"It'll get the rogues to back off a bit." I said emotionless. I didn't like this solution, but it was the only one I saw.

Seth, however, looked like he might explode.

"You mean, you're solution to this is to make them think that a male is in charge?" He exclaimed. I nodded. "I thought you were against chauvinism."

"I am. But I won't risk the rest of the pack because of my pride. That in itself makes me different from a lot of Alphas." I said.

Seth shook his head.

"I won't do it." He said stubbornly.

"You won't what? Mark me? How stupid are you? You're risking a lot of lives here, Seth!" I said. I couldn't believe this!

Now he had to be a decent guy!?! Really?

"I'm not marking you. You are strong enough and smart enough to figure out another way to fix this and to hang in there until you do." He said. I groaned.

"Seth! Maybe I am strong enough to deal with the rogues. But what about pups and weaker wolves? Are they strong enough? No, they aren't. And I thought you wanted to mark me?" I glared at him. He sighed.

"I do. Just not when it goes against the grain of your--our--beliefs." He said calmly.

"You do realize that you're risking lives, the safety of the pack here, right? That by not doing as your Alpha tells you is basically a death sentence, right?" I asked incredulously.

Seth studied me.

"I don't believe you'll have me killed, Mal." And with that he walked out.

I stared in disbelief at the door for a moment before letting out a strangled scream. I seem to do that a lot when it comes to Seth.

Dad stared thoughtfully at the door.

"Wow. Two Alphas that are stubborn as hell. If the rogues don't kill us all, your relationship will." I glared at him, then left, slamming the door behind me.

"And now he doesn't want to mark me!" I exclaimed to Car. She was in the kitchen, making cookies.

I picked one up from the pan.

"I mean, is that completely ridiculous or what?" I bit into the cookie and groaned. Oh, man. I never had a problem with my weight before, but if Car keeps cooking. . . .

"It is completely ridiculous." She agreed. So, I may have only met her this morning, but we were already close.

I also noticed that Kody marked her. I was happy about that, about their happiness.

At the same time, though, it struck a nerve.

"I mean, seriously. First, he was about to mark you, then he's not. Just because it goes against principles! The nerve!" She said, somewhat patronizingly. I glared at her with a you're-so-funny look.

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