Testosterone for the Entre and Ass for Dessert.

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Seth opened his mouth. . .

And all the sudden, Cole, a seven year old, came running down the stairs and crashed into Seth.

"Seth, Seth!" He jumped up and down excitedly. Seth just looked at me and smiled apologetically at me, then turned to Cole.

"What's up?" He asked. I smiled a little. He didn't seem to mind talking to a little kid.

Aw, is that your maternal instincts kicking in, warming you up to mate? My wolf asked sweetly. I snorted. Cole and Seth glanced at me. I smiled, excused myself, and headed up to my room, my wolf badgering me the entire way.

Will you shut up? I finally exclaimed, unable to take the, He's soooo good with kids, he'd be a great father and alpha male or Don't you think his butt looked cute in those jeans?


Why my wolf was even noticing Seth's butt was beyond me; she was supposed to be nuts about his wolf, not him. That was my job.

AH! FINALLY you admit it! She crowed victoriously.

What are you yammering on about? I never said that it wasn't my job to admire his butt. My wolf paused in her happy dancing and regarded me bemusedly.

You do realize what you just said, right? She asked cheekily. I sighed, slapped my forehead, and flopped back onto my bed for the second time that day.

Whatever. I said tiredly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I sat up screaming, and then immediately doubled over, clutching my chest.

My wolf was going nuts, trying to break free, and tear that stupid mate of ours apart. 

Talk, right. I scoffed, amazed at my ability to be sarcastic while I was on FIRE!

Dad and Kody came rushing into my room, snarling. I rolled my eyes, which were streaming.

Seth didn't come to my room after he finished with Cole. I know because I watched him walk out of the house and drive off.

Dad and Kody stood up, looking at me in confusion and worry. Of course they didn't know what was going on! I don't think anyone in this pack had ever cheated on their mates.

I waved my hand at them, telling them to get the hell out. They hesitated, and I gave them a glare. They fled and shut my door behind them.

Dad may be Alpha, but you DO NOT mess with me when I give you that glare.

I started breathing easier, even though I was getting flashes of that mate and some dog. My wolf growled. I glanced at the clock.

Four in the effing morning!

I was going to kill him! Yeah, like I wasn't planning on it anyway, for making out with whatever slut he picked up. Yup, it's four in the morning and he's only making out. I seriously don't know what to be more disturbed by, the fact that he's only making out with some chick, or the fact that I thinking he had no game.

Man, if I thought what happened in the caf was painful, just a peck on the lips, a full blown make out was just plain torture.

I can't believe he'd do this to me! Oh wait, yes I can.

I rolled over, listening to my wolf cuss her mate out, even though she was wondering if there was something wrong with us.

Of course not. We're not the ones going against nature. But we will be.

I fell asleep, barely registering the front door opening.

I woke up in the morning, and scrubbed my eyes. They felt unusually dry.

My face was crusty.

Oh, please tell me I was not CRYING over him!?! I said to my wolf. I knew it was pointless, because I could feel that she cried last night too.

I sighed. Whatever.

A half hour later, I stood against my truck, waiting for Kody. Seth came out the door, and it took all I had to not rip his throat out. I could smell her all over him. I wrinkled my nose.

Seth looked so upset and lost that I almost forgot about my plans to deal with his body. He walked towards me, and I smirked slightly, falling behind my mask.

"Well, if it isn't just what I need in the morning! A nice helping of testosterone, with a side of ass,"  I paused, then said cheerily, "Oh, wait. That's the same thing!" Seth winced slightly. He reached out.


"Save it." I cut him off, and jumped inside the car. Kody came down the steps. Perfect timing. I told him over the mind-link. He scowled at Seth and roughly shoved his shoulder, getting in the passenger side.

I peeled out of there and sped towards school.

Growling to myself, I muttered, I was thinking about our plan. . .


I think we should add the skank to it.

My wolf smiled evilly.

It would only be fair for touching what is ours. She said, cackleling.

I smirked. Today will be interesting.

Do you liiiike it? I hope so! I liked the part with the testosterone and ass, don't y'all think that that was funny????

Anyway, thank you for reading, PEACE OUT!

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