Paisley Brianna Joyce Rachel? No.

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Seth POV

Mal was in hysterics. For once, it wasn't because of how soon the baby is coming--four months to go--but instead because her wolf and our daughter's wolf are having an entertaining argument.

Apparently, a mother's wolf can communicate with the child she's carrying's wolf. No one really knows how this is possible, but it's a little more advanced because Mal is an Alpha. Our baby's wolf is more advanced, so they are able to communicate sooner.

According to Mal, our baby's wolf is like hers. So the two of them being in the same body would probably drive a woman who wasn't so fond of sarcasm over the edge. But this is Mal we're talking about here.

Werewolf babies were able to shift once they start crawling, and again, since our baby is an Alpha, will be sooner.

I stared adoringly at my wife and unborn child. I could not wait for this baby to be born.

Mal says that I won't be like this forever, that once she's born I'll be acting like Mal. I don't really agree with that though. I already growl when I think about the males hitting on her, as she's sure to be beautiful. She does have her mom's genes, after all. Her mom, my wife, the pack's Alpha, Mal really does bring a whole new definition to the whole multi-task concept.

I smiled then, happy that I can call my beautiful mate my wife as well.

Mal glanced at me and rolled her eyes. She always teased me about the goofy look I got when I talked about her or the baby, whom we still have to name. I tilted my head a little, thinking it over.

Mal wanted to go with something like, Ivy or Dakota or some other obscure name. I love her, but she is determined to not name our daughter (which I have finally accepted. It was either accept it, or be glared at by Mal every time I so much as thought he) something common or preppy, like Courtney or Ashley or Kate, etc. [A/N no offense to Cournteys, Ashleys, and Kates. My name is common. Don't have room to judge *sheepish smile*]

I really don't know what she thinks she can come up with, but let's just hope our daughter won't hate us later on for it.

I mean, Parker Beth? Really?

She watches too much TV.

I moved to sit next to her, and kissed her cheek. She had calmed down, rubbing her stomach, eyes on the TV.

"Paisley Brianna Joyce Rachel." Mal said, sitting up straighter. She looked up at me. My arm was around her shoulders, and she had leaned into me. I raised my brows at her.

"Was that more than one suggestion, or her name as a whole?" I asked, honestly afraid of the answer.

"The second one."

"No." Paisley Brianna Joyce Rachel? Really? Who needs three middle names?

She reads too many books as well.

Mal slumped back against me, dejected. She pushed her lower lip out, not in a pout, Mal does not pout, more of a. . .put out gesture.

"Why not?" She whined. I blinked in surprise at her. That is the first time I have ever heard her whine.

Maybe having five kids is a no-no.

Then again, Mal is immovable when it comes to a number past two, and that took weeks of wheedling.

"All those names are pretty common, don't you think?" I asked gently. I never knew what would set her off. Then, I didn't really know that before she got pregnant.

"Not all together." She said, in a duh tone mixed with a little of would-it-really-be-so-bad?

I sighed. "But no ones going to call her Paisley Brianna Joyce Rachel all the time." She hummed and went back to watching TV.

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