I Realized How Stupid My Mate Can Be.

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I watched suspiciously as Seth smirked slightly at me. My wolf was pacing and whining.

What's with you? I asked. She just whined at me. I refocused on Seth again, in time to see him kiss Heather. My wolf and I yelped and I fell to my knees at the sudden pain shooting through me

This was excruciating. And I have a high pain threshold. I panted and whined, knowing that all eyes were on me, the future alpha.

Despite my status as top dog, I was not popular; or any more than the loyal wolves that tried to bring me into the fold.

So, while I didn't really care about my image as far as being a popular girl--I cared more about being a good alpha--this was embarrassing. Extremely so.

Before I could even begin to start composing myself, that idiot was by my side, worry clear in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I looked around at the faces surrounding us, and one by one they all turned away. I got up, feeling a little better, now that he wasn't lip-locking with that dog. But I still felt crappy.

Because there's still the memory of the pain and the reason for it.

I punched Seth in the gut.

It knocked him flat on his ass, gasping for breath.

He deserves more for what he has done. My wolf growled.

He does. I agreed. But I could also tell that there was a part of us that loathed the idea of hurting him, no matter how much he hurt us.

Notice how we were both ignoring the fact that we were going hurt him by doing the same thing he was?

I pulled out of my thoughts as Heather--who was wailing like an off-tune opera singer--threw herself at Seth, fussing over him.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring the feel of my blood boiling over her touch on my mate.

I got the feeling that Heather was about to screech at me, so I gave her a look that said, Do you really want to go there? all sarcastic like.

She shrunk back and started fluttering her hands over Seth, who was regaining his breath back. I noticed that he looked annoyed at Heathers attention. I smirked.

That's what you get for kissing her, dumbass. I said to Seth. His head snapped up at me.

Did you just speak in my mind? He asked tentatively. I smirked again. How? He asked.

Jeez, did you pay attention at all? When mates find each other, they grow closer. Close enough to feel pain if the other is doing something with someone else. I gave him a pointed look. Once they touch they can mind-talk.

We've never touched.

I punched you. I said, staring at him like he was an idiot. I was beginning to think so.

He rolled his eyes and stood up. Heather wrapped her arms around him and looked up at him. I hissed and looked away, fighting the desire to rip her throat out. Seth scowled down at her.

"Get off." He barked. I blinked at him. Then narrowed my eyes.

What game is he playing?

Does it matter, so long as that skank gets off him? My wolf grumbled back, eyes narrowed at Heather.

"What?" She shrilled. I clapped my hands over my ears and made a face.

Seth looked at her coldly. "Get. Off." He then extracted himself from her, and came to stand by me, wrapping an arm around my waist and burying his face in my hair. His scent of pine and roasted apples washed over me, and I resisted the urge to stick my face in his neck. Also, resist pushing him away. Heather blinked confusedly at us, then shrieked, "Oh my gosh, you two are mates!"

Everyone was looking at us now, while I just stared in amazement at Heather. I was surprised she figured it out so quickly. Seth peeked at her from under my hair, and I sensed his amazement as well. I stifled a laugh, waved at the gathering crowd, grabbed Seth's wrist, and tugged him out the caf door.

So. What'dya think? Huh? Huh huh? I think it's about to get interesting here:)

Anyway, what do you think of Seth? He's a jerk, right? I wonder why he went to Mal. And I wonder why Mal didn't push him away? That's right! I wrote it, but I don't know where I'm going with it!

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