The Squirrel That Broke Wind.

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Dad just sat there. Looking at me. I bit my lip. He didn't need to say it.

He was disappointed.

Finally, Dad stopped looking at me. I knew a dismissal when I saw one. I just usually ignored the hints.

I got up to leave without looking back.

As I was walking through the hall toward my room, I knocked on Kody's door. No answer. I knocked again, louder. I opened the door.

He wasn't here. I bit my lip again. I needed to talk to someone before I started crying.

I entered my sanctuary and quietly closed the door. I looked around.

Poster's of funny quotes covered my walls, except in the places where I had movie posters. My bed wasn't made and there wasn't a single flat surface in my room. My bookshelf was over flowing. I walked over and grabbed one of my favorites. Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

I smiled at the irony. Laying belly-down on my blue and brown bed I started reading--even though I've read it more than once.

A few hours later I was reading a different book--Heist Society by Ally Carter, having finished Raised by Wolves for the billionth time--when my phone rang. I jumped about a foot in the air, then grabbed the stupid thing that was singing Pink's Raise Your Glass.

"Hello?" I growled. No one smart interrupts my reading. Not unless they want to loss something vital to their livelihood.

"Mal?" Kody's voice asked, clearly amused. I smiled a bit, before irritation hit me.

"Oh, so now you call me? Where are you, and why are you there without telling me you'd be there first?" I said really quickly. Kody laughed. I growled.

"Yes, now I call you, this is the first chance I had. I'm in Viewport and I'm here without telling you, because, as I said, this is the first chance I got, and it was an unexpected trip." Kody replied, humor still clear in his voice. I sighed. One of the things I loved about Kody was his ability to not get caught up in my moods and just remained his cheerful, pain in the ass self, until I calmed down and realize how ridiculous I was being.

"And why was it an unexpected trip?" I asked, over my irritability. Kody did not answer. Okay, irritability coming back now. "Kody? Why was it an unexpected trip?" His took a deep breath.

"BecauseSethandIcameheretotalkabouthowmuchofanidiotheisandhowtowinyouback." He rushed out, with no spaces. But still, I understood him.

"You what!?" I screeched, sitting up. He DID NOT just say that he and Seth went to Viewport to talk about how much of an idiot he is and how to win me back, did he? "You took Seth to Viewport!? But I needed you! Who's side are you on, anyway!?" I shouted. Kody paused.

"Yours. That's why I took him here. Because, let's face it, Mal, he hasn't had any luck winning your heart so far, and if he doesn't get a wing-man soon, then you would've been on my case till the day we died." Kody said. I let that roll around in my head for a second.

"So what you're really saying is, that you're on your side, because if you didn't help me be happy, you'd be forever tempted to murder me in my sleep for never shutting up about my stupid, chauvinistic, inconsiderate, bullheaded--,"

"Mal?" Kody interjected. I ignored him and continued.

"Mustard-loving, asswipe, cow-killing--,"

"Cow-killing?" Kody asked.

"Sexist, in-your-face, slut of a mate?" I finished. Kody didn't answer me for a minute.

"You realize you just illustrated what I'm talking about? And cow-killing?"

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