Bite Her.

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Seth POV

I watched Mal walk into the woods from my window. I sighed.

I am an idiot.

I hope your not expecting any disagreement. My wolf said snottily. I rolled my eyes.

Biting my lip, I went down stairs.

And immediately felt like burning my eyeballs.

"Oh, come on!" I slapped a hand over my eyes and backed away slowly. "If you're gonna shove your tongues into each others mouths like that, at least do it where innocent eyes can't see." I finished, then whirled to leave out a different door.

My stomach rumbled in protest, but there was no way I was going back in there. I can't believe I forgot Kody found his mate. Good for him, bad for everyone else.

Outside, I shifted into my dark brown wolf and ran after Mal.

A few hours later, I got closer.

Man she moves fast. I thought, warily. My wolf snorted.

Well, she is built to be better then your average wolf. I can't believe this. Did he really just admit that she's better? My wolf rolled his eyes at me. And that comment about her build was definitely not helping.

I grunted as an impact hit me. Rolling, rolling, rolling, splash!

I stood, snorting water out from my nose and glared at the silver/gray wolf in front of me. At a certain angle, her fur almost looked blue in some spots. . . .

I snapped out of it when Mal fell to her knees laughing. At me. I suppose I did look ridiculous, but still.

I growled a bit and advanced on her. She looked at me, amusement shining in her eyes. She got up and crouched. Looking at me with the intent clear in her eyes, she launched herself at me.

Before I could dodge--again, I say, she moves fast--she veered in mid-air and landed at my side, instead of on me. Twisting quickly, she shot under my belly, licking it as she went. I yelped in surprise.

She was a few yards away, and was laughing at me again. I scowled my wolfish face.

You should see your stance from here. She whispered in my mind. It had a sort of calming effect, and I was no longer put out by her laughter. Then she showed me how I stood.

I looked like a frightened cat. I couldn't help but laugh as she mimicked me.

She really was adorable.

All the sudden, she growled, lips pulled back, she advanced towards the tree line slowly. I followed, resisting the urge to push my mate behind me, to protect her from whatever she sensed that I didn't.

I concentrated, trying to pick up on whatever had her so riled up.

Too late, I realized it was a trick.

She pounced on me, settling her weight brilliantly on me, so I couldn't struggle.

Not that I'd want to.

I stared into Mal's eyes, and saw humor dancing in her Caribbean blue irises. I licked her and she blinked at me. Then with a chuckle, she licked me from my shoulder, to the tip of my ear.

She was trying to outdo me. I smirked at her, nuzzled my face into her neck, and bit gently.

Instead of getting off of me, like I figured she would when she felt my teeth at her neck, she relaxed into me.

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