We Have So Much To Lose.

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I traced the dragon on Seth's arm, thinking about everything that's going on. The plan I came up with isn't really complicated, but Murphy's Law, you know?

Seth murmured and sighed, still sound asleep. I bit my lip and rubbed my belly.

I'd be lying if I said this hadn't impacted negatively on me. I mean, I lost my mom to rogues. I didn't want to lose anymore people.

Seth is going with Sand Moon and some of our fighters. I, of course, will be staying in my office the entire time, staying out of Seth's head, so as not to distract him. I sighed silently.

Staying out of the fight will be difficult, it's not in my nature to not fight, and I'm Alpha. I should be risking my skin with my pack. But I'm pregnant. I'm not that stupid.

I moved on to the words, "I may look like I'm listening, but trust me, I'm not". I laughed when I first saw this, and had wanted to get it myself, but decided it wasn't Alpha-y.

Seth pulled me closer to his chest and stuck his nose even further into my hair. I know. I'm surprised there was space left, as well.

I turned around slightly, so I was facing him. I ended up pulling my head away from his nose, so he kinda chased me for a minute, but I blew in his face, and he settled down. I never understood the appeal morning breath had to mates, but whatever.

"Mmmm." Seth murmured, before opening his eyes and kissing my nose. I smiled at him, even though I knew he couldn't really see it.

"Morning, sleepy head." I laughed lightly, as Seth somehow maneuvered us so we were curled into each other. Seth mumbled incoherently. My lips pressed. This is the first morning, ever, that Seth did not spring from bed as soon as he was awake to make me breakfast or something. Then my lips pulled down in a pout.

I snuggled closer, blocking the thoughts that must have occurred to Seth already; this may be the last time we got to do this.

Three hours later, when we finally decided we were too hungry to stay in bed all day, we ended our Ultimate Cuddling Session and went downstairs.

Kody was downstairs, with Nate on his lap, just holding him. Nate was talking in gibberish, and gesturing wildly, but Kody just looked lovingly at him.

My lips trembled.

Seth rubbed my back, but I sniffed lightly, and put my poker face on.

I couldn't think like this, not now. But still, the doubts crept in.

What if Kody didn't make it? What if Garrett didn't make it? His mate, like me, was expecting a child.

What if Seth didn't make it?

I swallowed.

Don't think like that.

My wolf whined, pacing inside me.

Seth will be fine. I told her.

What if he's not? We're pregnant. Losing a mate is like dying.

Yeah. And we have something inside us. God forbid something happen to Seth, we have to be strong. For our baby. For our pack.

My wolf sniffed. She focused on her thoughts. I focused on mine.

Or, I tried to, but my wolf's thoughts kind of bled into mine.

Literally and figuratively.

My nose crinkled in disgust as I sat at the table while Seth made me breakfast.

That. Is. Disgusting. I told my wolf blatantly.

She just sniffed haughtily in reply.

I rolled my eyes, but didn't argue. I've pretty much given up on the whole teacups-have-ears thing. With what's going on right now, we're more worried about scarring.

Seth will be fine. Kody will be fine.

We have so much to lose, but, hell, that just gives us more reason to win.


I feel as though I'm taking too long to upload. Lately, it's been like every two weeks.

Anyway, I figure you know what I would say now, so. . . .

Also, short, yeah, but I'm getting to the end in the next few chapters.

There may be a sequel though. :)

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