Susan is Preggo and Mal Deals With Some Stuff.

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Seth POV

Apparently, I'm a baby daddy.

I was thinking how ironic it is that I'm still a virgin (I know, may as well throw out the man card right there), while staring at my locker.

I had just gotten out of first period and saw, what was her name? May? Macy? Marlene?

Susan. My wolf snapped, still pissed about last night. You could say we weren't on speaking terms.

Anyway, I walked out of first period, which happened to be next to. . .Susan's locker. The thing was painted white, with streamers and glitter covering it, and there was a big helium balloon taped to the top, announcing that Susan was pregnant.

Malakye. I thought, kind of proud. You had to admit, it was original. I felt bad though, when I saw Susan see it. She ran away crying.

I don't know how I know Mal did it, but considering Susan was the girl I made out with last night, it was a pretty good guess. Though how she knew it was Susan. . . .

I walked to my locker and saw a crowd of people. Of course I wouldn't be getting off easy.

The same thing that was done to Susan's locker was done to mine. I ripped the stuff off, and glanced down the hall where I knew she was standing.

She met my eyes, gave me a mischievous smirk and turned and headed in the opposite direction. I tried to follow her, but it was like all the people in the school suddenly found the need to get in my way. Then again, most of the people in school were werewolves. It wasn't to hard to imagine Mal have them get in my way enough so that I couldn't immediately catch up to her, but so I could still see her.

She walked out to the parking lot. It was another five minutes before I actually got out the door, because the crowd got really thick all of the sudden. I had a pretty good idea where she went, so I went over to my car. There were a few people laughing and taking pictures. I groaned.

Mal had tied strings of shoes and cans to the bumper and had written Just Married! With a Baby on the Way! across the back windshield. I growled at the people and they scurried off. I bent down, about to yank the strings from the car, when searing pain ripped through me. The kind of pain that had my wolf howling.

Oh, crap, is this what she felt like?


Malakye POV

I snickered after getting out of first period, claiming cramps. I rolled my eyes. Mr. Kiefer's face was priceless. I hurried out to my car and retrieved my supplies. I went straight to Seth's locker and spray painted it white. Gluing a bunch of streamers and glitter to it, I then attached a helium balloon, proudly stating in bright colors that Seth was gonna be a daddy. My wolf growled.

She wasn't happy with Seth, but the idea of another woman having his child disgusted and hurt to no end.

I know. I said softly.

After I was done, I headed to Susan Yamin's locker, doing the same. How did I know who Seth was with last night, you ask? Well, since he was drunk off his ass, the bond was strong enough for me to see.

I went back out to the parking lot and made some. . .modifications to Seth's car. I smirked as I tied the shoes and cans to his bumper, and started cackling when I wrote Just Married! With a Baby on the Way!

He is sooooo going to regret life. My wolf said happily.

He is sooooo going to regret having a heart. I said a little more seriously, knowing what I planned to do next.

I entered the school again, and stood at the end of the hall, watching Seth's locker. When he came up and saw it, he looked. . .proud?

What the hell?

He turned to me. I met his eyes and smirked. Then I turned and walked toward the exit.

Keep him back enough so he's not too close to me, but not so he can't still see me. I told all the wolves in the halls that were in the direction I was headed.

I felt them surging a bit as I walked past to keep Seth from following too close behind.

When we get to the exit, keep him in here for at least five minutes.

I heard the murmurs of Okay, you got it and On it.

I walked straight past Seth's car, and saw people taking pictures of it. I smirked evilly and continued on to the football field.

I saw Nate sitting on the bleachers, waiting until second period was over. He always skipped.

He was human, but he was also the most popular male in school. I walked up to him and sat down next to him. He did a double take when he saw me, and shifted away slightly. I noticed he also went to the trouble of covering his crotch with his arms.

Probably because the last time I saw him, he wouldn't remove his hand from my ass.

I smiled cheerily. "Hiya, Nate." I chirped. Nate looked at me cautiously.


I continued to smile at him, but a little shyer. "So listen," I began quietly. I looked at him from under my eyelashes, and listened to his heart rate pick up. I tilted my head and stuck my bottom lip out for good measure, fighting back the desire to smirk and roll my eyes as a wave of lust hit me. "I was wondering. . ." I trailed off, drawing patterns in the bleacher seat, slowly, with my index finger.

"Yes?" Nate asked, unconsciously leaning toward me. I have that effect on people.

"Well," I giggled nervously. "I was wondering if. . .I could. . .kiss you?" I finished meekly. I peeked up at him from under my lashes again and almost laughed. His expression was so funny. . .shocked and lustful.

"Uh, sure." He stammered. Hard to believe he was the school player.

"Great." I chirped happily, then kissed him.

See, something you should know about me is that I'm an awesome actress. So while I wasn't turned on, Nate was, and I pretended like I was. I could feel something inside me burning. But I couldn't really feel it, it was like a ghost limb or something.

Finally, I pulled away. Because that burning was far too annoying to be tolerated for long, but also because my wolf was gagging. Oh hell, I was gagging.

I smiled sweetly at Nate, who was looking a bit dazed and darted down the bleachers and back to the parking lot, where Seth was slowly regaining his breath back. I knelt next to him.

"Hurts like a son of a b*tch, doesn't it?" I asked quietly. He just looked at me. I think I expected anger or betrayal in his eyes. Instead, all I saw was the most apologetic look I have ever seen. I got up abruptly.

I didn't want him sorry, I wanted him mad. It's easier not to feel guilty when someone is mad at you for being righteously angry.

I feel bad. My wolf said sorrowfully.

Noooo. I said back sarcastically. 

I have to talk to Dad. This thing with Seth is just. . .it's time for an intervention.

Hi! I hope you like! Sorry it's not longer, but my attention span can only stretch this out to a few pages each chapter. Sooo. What do you think Mal's dad is gonna say???? Also, I changed my user name to FighttheCapitol soooo. You know. :)

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