Dealing With The Aftermath And Coming Up With A Plan.

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I was seething. Honestly, that was the only word I think could describe my feelings in that moment.

Dumb rogues can't just leave us alone, can they?

I know! And they took that poor boy, his parents must be frantic. I murmured in agreement. I know I would be if someone took my baby. Not that they'd have enough body parts to pull it off, if they even thought about it. I rubbed my tummy, brows furrowing.

Seth called about an hour ago to say that it was safe for me to come. I was now sitting in a car, trying not to cuss, because my baby's wolf can hear, and while I really want to see Seth's face if our baby's first word is a bad one, I don't want to deal with what my parents had to.

My mom was a lot like me, to say the least.

I sighed, leaning back in my seat.

She died when I was ten, from what else? A rogue attack. She was like an older version of me, and can I just say that for the general public that that is a very bad thing. I looked like her, in the sense that my expressions where the same, my size and shape too. I got Dad's coloring, though.

I smiled. Dad still dislikes Seth, but he couldn't be more excited for this baby.

And believe it or not, his names are worse than mine. This is the man that named me after a bear, remember. Maybe it's hereditary.

Hmm. . . . Maybe Wyoming Rayne?

What is with you and state names? My wolf asked, sounding like her paw was on her hip. Figuratively speaking.

What is wrong with state names? I asked, slightly offended. My wolf sighed.

Nothing, really, it's just. . . why a state? I thought about that.

Would you prefer me to go to a cemetery, and pick a name from a gravestone. You know I'll do it. I said back mildly. My wolf was cut off by a new voice.

No! The voice was babyish and sweet, but insistent, and reminded me alarmingly so of myself and my wolf. I smiled. I loved hearing my baby's wolf. And while I knew her wolf's personality would affect her greatly (I also knew this was something to be feared), I couldn't help but be happy that the smart ass, stubborn, feminism is a gene, that get's passed down.

Why not? I asked my baby's wolf. I closed my eyes. Words cannot describe the happiness this sort of thing brings me.

Because thaz where the dead peoples awr.

Okay, sweetie, we won't go to the cemetery.

I could feel the happiness and content radiating from my stomach. I smiled happily.

A few hours later though, I was back to seething.

Donner was holding Melanie, who was sobbing, and muttering something about eggplants.

When I pulled up to the house, or rather, what used to be the house, I slid out from the car, holding my baby bump. I looked around at the ashes, and felt my anger slowly rising. It had been hours ago that this occurred, so the smoke was gone. I think Seth waited until he couldn't smell it anymore to call me, but that isn't the point.

My fists were clenched and my teeth were grinding against each other, and I honestly felt like screaming.

I got interrupted though, by that pesky mate thing, that Seth uses on me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, and stuck his nose into the crook of my neck, his breath tickling me. I slowly calmed down enough to walk into to the tent-thing that had been set up, as a sort of command center.

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