This is an Interesting Development.

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I groaned, and slammed my bedroom door shut, throwing my bag into the corner, and flopping on my bed.

Rolling over, I sighed, staring at the Fast and Furious poster on my ceiling.

Well, that was certainly interesting.

My wolf huffed in agreement.

Closing my eyes, I thought about what happened after Seth and I ran out of the caf. . .

I pushed Seth against the lockers, and raised my eyebrows.

Me: What was that?

Seth: What was what?

Me (giving Seth an exasperated look): That! The part where you revealed our mate-ness.

Seth (looking amused): Mate-ness?

I growled at him. He pushed off the lockers and stood toe-to-toe with me. I looked up at him, scowling.

Seth: What is your problem?

I gave a strangled scream. What was going on with me? I'm usually so good at masking everything.

Me: You! You think I asked for a mate who's beliefs go against my own!?! I hate that you think I'll just bow down to you because your male and my mate. Well, I got news for you asshat, I have never shown submission to someone because their male and hell will freeze over before I do.

Seth just looked at me, a decidedly shocked look on his face. We now stood nose-to-nose.

Erasing all kissing thoughts from mind now.

Seth: Whatever.

I clenched my fists. How dare he! Dismiss my opinion with a, Whatever.

I paused.

Me: You're an ass, you know that?

With that, I turned on my heel and spent the rest of lunch in the park throwing banana chips at squirrels.

I sighed through my nose. Stupid squirrels. So fluffy and adorable. And devious and manipulative.

I LOVE squirrels.

What are we going to do about Seth? He is in the pack. And I will soon be his alpha. I asked my wolf. She shrugged.

Go for a run? She asked suggestively.

How will that help? I asked back, laughing slightly.

When in doubt, run. She replied as if this was obvious and should be held true for everything. I had no problems with blowing off steam that way, so I got my lazy booty outside on the porch and shifted into my beautiful gray/silver wolf. 

I sighed, stretching my legs a bit, even though it wasn't really necessary.

Without warning, I shot off through the woods, letting her take over, feeling everything with her senses, staying present only enough so I didn't accidentally kill someone.

A couple hours later, I trotted back up to the house, tail wagging, after the success in steam blowing.

Seth was perched on a rail, and when he saw me at the edge of the treeline (cause there's about fifty yards of cleared land around the house) he straightened and I saw his eyes widen slightly. Yes, I could see his eyes form fifty yards away. Can't you?

I smirked and my wolf chuckled a little. Of course we knew our fur was unique and beautiful, but seeing Seth's reaction warmed us slightly. Realizing this, we both went cold again.

We will not be won over by flattery.

I shifted and hopped up the steps without a backward glance. I was thankful that shifting back into a human didn't result in nudity, like in some of those books.  Seth followed me into the house like a lost puppy, and I don't know why, but that made me want to hold him. And have him hold me.

I shook my head mentally. What is going on with me?

"Mal." Seth said, and his voice sent goosebumps up my arms. I continued walking the easy pace, no matter how much I wished to break into a run, slam my door closed, and lock it.

He grabbed my arm. Normally, I would have thrown the person over my shoulder. Especially if they came from behind. But, one, Seth didn't sneak up on me. I knew he was there. And two, there's no way I'd ever be able to hurt Seth, judging by the electricity crawling up my arm, like spiders. I know that  description didn't make it sound appealing, but honestly, it felt good.

Which is why I only ended up socking him in the gut. And not very hard, either.

"What?" I asked, pretending to be irritated, while I was really mourning the loss of his touch. Wait, the whole mourning thing? Yeah that just made me more irritated.

"Can we talk?" Seth asked giving me puppy dog eyes. I snorted and raised a brow.

"For future reference, that does not work on me." I said, telling a half-truth. Usually it doesn't affect me. But from him. . . .

"I'm sorry, and you're right." Seth said, clearly taking my comment as permission. . .then what he said caught up with me. I looked at him blankly. He did not just apologize and say that I'm right. There's no way.

"Sorry?" I asked, looking at him. Seth didn't even look upset to repeat himself.

"I'm sorry, and you were right. I was wrong." I blinked. I think it was safe to say that that was the first time ever a guy has apologized, meant it, and said that he was wrong to me. Ever.

I tried not to throw myself at him and kiss him. Instead I just stared at him, and motioned for him to go on.

This is an interesting development.


HEY! What did you think, hmmmm? I'm not 100% about it, but we'll see. Anyway, last time I checked, I had 51 reads! (girly squeal).  I know that's not alot compared to other stories here, but personally that's awesome!

P.S. Shoot me if I ever girly squeal again.

P.P.S. Not really, but you know what I mean.

P.P.P.S. How do you like the new cover??????

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