Chapter 12

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Chloe's POV

What he said to defend me, nearly brought me to tears, I've heard Ryan say it and I am honoured that Ryan sees me like that but he chose me, Toby didn't, he got stuck with me so the fact that he thinks of me like that is everything to me

"I thought you said you wanted to get to know her?" Ryan questioned curiously

"I talked to Chloe last night about stuff and realised she wasn't worth my time, I've got what I need here, why should I want to spend time with someone who ditched me for the first 14 yeas of my life and then has such a lack of respect she talks like that to and about the people who did her job?" He explains, it's crazy how mature he was about that, he's only 14 and yet he's so grown up about it

"I'm really proud of you Tobes" Ryan tells him as he pulls him into a hug

I stand awkwardly at the side for a moment until I get pulled into the hug, literally pulled in

Eventually we pulled away and Ryan's face turned serious

"In future though I do not expect to hear you use that type language" Ryan scolds in reference to the swearing in Toby's speech and both Toby and I smirk, something Ryan is quick to do as well

I love it when Ryan gets all dad like with Toby, it's really cute? He's a really great dad , I wish my dad would've been like that

"Now go finish you're homework" Ryan tells him forcefully but with a smile all over his face

With a smile of his own Toby rolls his eyes before turning and heading back up to his room

As soon as he was gone Ryan picked me up out of nowhere and spun me around leaving me giggling erratically

He finally put me down and I was dizzy he'd spun me so much, I was so dizzy in fact that he had to pull me into a hug to steady me

He was so happy it was great, I'm glad he was so happy, I'm really happy too, it's just us

I was really scared she'd flounce right in and take Toby and I'd lose the bond I've finally started building with him and even more so I was afraid Ryan might go back to her

I don't know why, I mean Toby is a good kid, he'd have seen through her and Ryan isn't like that, I know he loves me I just wonder why sometimes

"Ry" I mumble to him gently

"Yeah babe?" He replies and he pulls away a little to make eye contact

"I love you" I whisper, feeling myself tear up

He completely shocked me again when he pushed me back up against the wall and started kissing me

I instantly kissed him back and very soon he slid his tongue in my mouth

We made out for about a minute and a half before he pulled away and was about to go for my neck

"Ry, Toby's upstairs" I remind him but he ignores me, his hands on me and if we start I can't say no to him, I don't really want to, but then again, I don't want to have Toby walking in with his dad in my neck

"He can probably hear us" I point out to Ryan who sighs and comes away from my neck

"I doubt that" he replies

"She's right!" I hear Toby call from the top of the stairs

"I'm coming down now so can we all not be attached to each other when I do" he tells us and I can feel myself going bright red as he comes into view

"I appreciate you two can't stay away from each other but can we please take it into a locked room and preferably when I'm not home? K thanks" he jokes and then walks away into the kitchen

Ryan and I both look at each other and start laughing so hard, we're finally a real family and I absolutely love it

Little did I know then that 6 weeks later everything would change


DUN DUN DUN DUNNNN! What do you think is gonna happen? Will it be a good change or a bad one? Are you ready to find out? Xoxo

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