Chapter 20

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Toby's POV

It didn't take long for the ambulance to arrive and straight away began to look at her while I explained what was wrong before they hurriedly decided she needed to be rushed to the emergency room for a doctor to take a look at her

She'd gotten worse in the time they'd taken to get here to us so she was in quite a lot of pain and they couldn't figure out why

It didn't help she was getting really worked up about the baby, she was terrified she was gonna have a miscarriage

She was crying so hard, she's so scared of all this stuff, hospitals and doctors and needles and blood and just all of it freaks her out dramatically

Seeing her in such a state was awful, knowing it was all my fault was even more horrible, I never meant for something like this to happen, why did this have to happen?!

We were almost there when she suddenly blacked out, it was terrifying, the paramedics just became a blur to me, I couldn't watch what they were doing to her

I did this, if anything happens to her or the baby it'll be all my fault, I couldn't just give them a freaking chance?! WHY COULDN'T I JUST GIVE THEM A FREAKING CHANCE?!

If anything happens to that baby she'll be destroyed and so will dad, I don't know if they'd be able to survive that, I know he wouldn't blame her and probably not me either but how do you get past something like that?

I was snapped out of my own mind when we finally arrived at the hospital, it had only been ten minutes but it felt like a lifetime

I followed on behind as she was taken into a room by some nurses, by now she'd regained consciousness but she was really in a state

I tried to go into the room but a doctor stopped me and then went in

A nurse then came over to talk to me while they were attending to Chloe

"Your mom is in the best possible care, same for the baby" she tells me gently but I feel the extreme need to correct her

"My stepmom, not my mom" I tell her coldly while my eyes were dashing about trying to watch what was going on, I don't want to be babied, I want to know what's going on

Shit, I need to call dad

"What's happening?! Is she gonna be okay?!" I asked as I watched them hook her up to a bunch of monitors and she has her eyes closed again but she's got her face all scrunched up like she's in pain

"I'll see what I can find out for you" she tells me and then goes in, I grab my phone and pull up dad's contact before quickly hitting call, I could feel the panic rising in me as I heard crying and then suddenly a scream come from inside Chloe's room

What have I done?!

Ryan's POV

My phone suddenly started ringing just as I was about to head into a conference, I was about to decline it then I saw it was Toby, I was so confused, he should be in class

I answered it worriedly, he doesn't ever call me anymore anyways, something bad must've happened to him

"Toby? What's going on?! Are you okay?! Shouldn't you be in class?" I ask him worriedly

"I'll explain that later but dad you need to come quickly, something happened and Chloe was in a lot of pain, apparently her stomach hurt really badly so I called an ambulance and they rushed her into hospital because they're worried about her and the baby and they're attaching her to monitors and doing stuff, she blacked out in the ambulance, I'm so sorry dad! This is all my fault!" He poured out down the phone in such a fast jumble of words

Chloe's in the hospital?

The baby....

"Buddy it's not your fault, is she okay?" I try and mask my pure terror, it's a hospital, she can't handle those on her own they get her super worked up

"I don't know dad, please just come back!" He was so worked up, my heart was shattering at the sound of his voice, small and terrified

"I'm on my way Toby, just calm down and keep an eye on her for me, hospitals get her really worked up, I love you buddy, it'll all be okay and it's not your fault" I tell him quickly, dear god I hope she's okay and the baby, if something's happened to the baby she'll never forgive herself

"I'm sorry dad" he whispers down the phone to me

"I'll be there soon" I tell him and then hang up

I let my boss know I have to go because Chloe's in the hospital and then run out to the car and hightail it back home, dear god I hope she's okay


DUN DUN DUNNNN! (I swear that's becoming my new catchphrase on here atm) will the baby be okay? Was it really Toby's fault? What's gonna happen? You'll have to wait and see xoxo

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