Chapter 17

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Toby's POV

I'm kinda worried about Chloe, her and dad went to see the doctor yesterday and ever since dad's been really hovering over her

She was doing some stuff around the house yesterday afternoon and dad made her stop and rest

Then this morning she was carrying a basket of washing down to the washing machines he told her off before taking it away from her and doing it himself, for a normal person he'd just seem controlling but I know my dad better than that

What the hell is going on? Is she okay?

I hear them coming downstairs so I grab my phone hurriedly and try to act naturally so they don't know what I was doing, I don't want to ask but I wanna know what's going on

"Tobes, can we talk to you for a minute?" Dad asks me and I look up as casually as I can

"Uh, yeah, sure" I reply nervously

I look at each of them, trying to figure out what's going on, dad looks serious but there's a hint of a smile whereas Chloe just looks majorly panicked and she's clutching his hand like she'll never let go

"We've got some news for you" Dad starts, I see Chloe tense up as he continues "so you know we went to the doctor yesterday"

"Yeahhhh" I reply unsure of what I'm about to be told

"You wanna say it?" Dad whispers to Chloe who shakes her head rather dramatically, she looks like she's about to cry, what the hell is going on?

"Well the doctor confirmed you're gonna have a little brother or sister" he tells me and I nod but then suddenly that sinks in

"Wait what?!" I burst out with

"Chloe's pregnant" dad tells me like I hadn't already figured that out


Screw that! I don't want a sibling! Especially not her kid!

If they have a baby it'll be all about the baby and they'll both forget all about me

Chloe won't give a shit about me, I'm not her kid, she'll spend all her time with the baby and totally ignore me

What about dad? He'll be all over the baby and Chloe and I'll just be left in the background



"Toby!" Dad goes to tell me off for my reaction but I'm already half way out the room

I storm up the stairs and slam the door as hard as I can


Ryan's POV

My heart shattered when Toby reacted like that, I am so happy about this but my son hates it? What do I do about that?

I look at Chloe and I can see the tears are about to start, she looks destroyed by that, I know she was terrified Toby wouldn't take it well, she thinks he'll hate her I think

I don't get it, he always wanted a sibling as a kid, I don't know what to do

I sit down with Chloe and pull her into my arms, the second my arms are around her she's crying into my chest and it hurt, it hurts me to know that this is because I got Chloe pregnant and even more so that Toby's so upset about it

The worst thing though is how bad Chloe's feeling right now, she treats Toby like he's her own, she thinks of him as her own son and yet he said that and I know she feels responsible for how he's feeling, I'm worried to be honest, mostly about how she's gonna feel about the baby with all of this going on, I know she'll hate herself if she can't bond with her baby, especially if she blames herself for all of this anyway

"Chlo he'll come around" I promise her but she refuses to believe me

"You don't know that!" She cries into my chest

"Shh, shhh babe try and calm down for me please? You getting worked up isn't good for the baby okay?" I tell her gently and she slowly begins to try and calm down, I'm gonna have to try and talk to Toby, that's gonna be fun....not

Why? Why can't we all just live happily ever after now?


Well clearly Toby didn't take kindly to this pregnancy, what do you think will happen next? Will Toby calm down and have things go back to normal or not? Xoxo

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