Chapter 18

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Once they got to the game, everyone asked for pictures with them, pictures of them, and even took pictures of them without knowing and posting it on social media with the "#CoupleOfTheYear" and they just laughed and screenshotted. Grayson's friend Clayton came up to them and asked "Where is Ethan?" "Oh he's at home. He has a stay in date night with Mia Williams." Grayson said. "Wait... like Elijah's Mia Williams?" He asked with a confused look on his face. "Yeah, Elijah's exgirlfriend Mia. The ONLY Mia in our entire school system." Grayson said as he laughed and Clayton walked away.

At the end of the game, there golden eagles won at 45- 30 and they got into Grayson's truck to get back to Laila's house with an hour until the dance. Once they got into the house Laila's dad Travis took grayson into the back room to help his get ready and Laila's mom Barb took Lailai into the room across the room to get ready. Grayson put on his white undershirt, navy blue vest and black blazer. He put on some tan khakis pants and black dress shoes. Travis helped tie his navy blue bow tie that had very small white triangles on them. "You look very handsome Grayson. I'm very proud that my daugher has found a guy like you and i'm very happy that you're such a gentleman." Travis said as he shock Grayson's hand and gave it a tight squeeze. Grayson squeezed back and said "Thank you sir, that means alot coming from you.". Grayson sat down waiting for Laila to be done getting ready with her corsage in hand.

Meanwhile across the hall, Laila was putting on her beautiful navy blue dress and sparkling shoes and thought that she had never looked better. Her mother sat her down in a white fluffy spinny chair so she could curl her hair. Once it was curled, she started to make a side braid from the front left side of her face and stopped in the back and putting in bobby pins with gems on the end. She pulled out a couple small pieces of hair and curled those too. Laila did a golden, brown, black, and navy blue smokey eye with very dramatic wings and big fake lashes. She grabbed her sparkling clutch that had her phone, money, breath spray, extra lip stick, a small roll on perfume and grabbed his boutonniere. Both the corsage and boutonniere were white with small amounts of navy blue.

They yelled out across the hall at each other at the same time. "ON THE COUNT OF THREE!!! 1... 2... 3!" and they opened the door and just looked up and down at each other. Grayson started to tear up "You look so goddamn beautiful baby." "You look so handsome babe." Laila smiled and said back. They hugged and they started to make out and Barb started taking pictures on her phone. "Okay kids, we need some of these for the grandparents." Her dad said and everyone started to laugh. After 15 minutes of pictures they finally left for the dance about 10 minutes later than they originally thought (10:30, dance got over at 12 [midnight]) 

From The Ground Up- Writen By: Aurora ClairWhere stories live. Discover now