Chapter 14

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They ran into Laila's room and flipped onto her bed. She had all the stuff in the corner of her room to redo her room the way she wanted it and the paint in her mirrored closet. She has 2 buckets of baby pink paint and 2 cans of glitter paint. In the corner she has the new bedding, new headboard, a white desk she still needed to put together and same with the pink chair, and all the room decor in boxes.

"Are you trying to redo your room?" Grayson asked. "Yeah, but it's a big room and I needed some help but no one will help. I need to put together a desk, a chair, a headboard, Painting the walls, and decorating." Laila Answered waving her arms in the air. "Hey, want me to help? We can work together, just tell me what to do." Grayson said.

They put a pink sticky note on two walls, so those walls would be pink, and put white sticky notes on the other 2 walls so they knew to paint those glitter. They started to paint the walls and they turned out just the way Laila wanted it too and Laila got some paint on Grayson and they started to have a paint fight. After about half an hour of getting paint all over each other they started to build the furniture.


It took all night but around 4 am, the room was done. Painted, had wall decorations, a deck and dresser, chair, new headboard, and pictures all over the desk of them, friends, family, and Laila loved it. They lightened some candles so it smelled so great in there. They cleaned up the paint from there arms and legs and they started to get ready for bed. They put on some music and changed into pajamas. Grayson was just in basketball shorts and Laila in Spandex and a long sleeve shirt. Laila washed her face and put on a face mask from Lush. Grayson walked in and laughed at her because he thought she looked like the grinch.

Finally Laila got Grayson to put some on and they just took pictures in them for the whole 10 minutes. They washed it off and Grayson's face lit up when he felt it. "IT'S SO SOFT!!!!!!!!" He yelled. Laila laughed at him and walked back into the bedroom part of her room, (Since she had a bathroom in her room) and "The Dance" come on by Garth brooks. Grayson grabbed Laila's waste and started to sway back and forth. Laila laid her head on Grayson's chest and closed her eyes and smiled. Almost as if she was falling more in love with him as they danced. Around 5 am is when they laid down in Laila's new bedding and cuddled and finally feel asleep. 

From The Ground Up- Writen By: Aurora ClairWhere stories live. Discover now