Chapter 1

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"Savannah Raye Patterson, are you paying attention?"

"What?" I said taking a sip of my wine. I was out having lunch with my sister because she said she had some big news to tell me. The moment I arrived she started talking about the gossip she heard from her friends. So I zoned her out and tried to think of all the work I needed to get done when I got back to the office on Monday.

"I said I'm getting married." my litter sister, Sariah said showing me the huge diamond that now graced the ring finger on her left hand.

" my litter sister, Sariah said showing me the huge diamond that now graced the ring finger on her left hand

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"Congrats?" I said trying to sound happy for her. I love my little sister but I was not expecting her to tell me that she'd gotten engaged. Especially after only dating Trevor for six months, but I should've known. My sister falls in and out of love quick but it seems like things with Trevor are different. She seems to be in love with him. And not in some phase of wanting to plan a wedding to only cancel last minute because she's changed her mind. I was happy for her and wish that it was me telling her that I was getting married instead.

"You can sound a bit more excited sis. I know you thought that things with Bryan would work out but I wanted to let you know first that he is going to be the best man."

"I'm fine, Bryan is in the past. I'm happy for you and Trevor sis."

"Great, the engagement party is going to be in a few weeks since we want to get married as soon as possible. And no before you ask I am not pregnant. I'm telling you now so you can have enough time to find a date for the party."

"I don't need a date."

"Yes you do, Brian might be Trevor's best friend but the man is an ass. And needs to know that he missed out on an awesome woman by breaking up with you." I could see the wheels turning in her head to figure out which one of her friends she was going to set me up with. So I decided to stop her in her tracks before I ended up with a pity date. By letting her think that I have a date then arrive there alone telling her that he canceled last minute.

"I have someone in mind."

"You're seeing someone?"

"It's not that serious, he's a friend right now."

"What's his name?"

"None of your business, now please tell me how Trevor proposed." That seemed to get my sister off of my non existent mystery man.

My ex Bryan and I dated for three years before he dumped me because he felt that I wasn't wife material for him. He also told me that if I lost a few pounds he might consider taking me back. It wouldn't have been bad if we weren't out celebrating our anniversary. In a packed restaurant where people can hear him belittle my appearance and food choices. Humiliated and pissed I got my stuff out of the apartment and left. When we first started dating he didn't have a problem with my size and I loved that about him. But over time he'd start making snide comments here and there. Which he then started to tell me that I needed to go on a diet and started ordering food for me when we went out to eat.

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