Chapter 4

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My hot neighbour has a girlfriend!

I type in our group chat with Sam, Amy and Cory the next morning. It's easier to chat that way, rather than text each one separately. Besides, we don't really hide anything from each other. 

Amy: Are you still not over him yet?? 

Me: He's HOT. Stop judging!

Cory: Oh babe! Wanna go for drinks tonight to meet some new hot guys? ;)

Amy sends us a smiley who's rolling his eyes.

Sam: SHUT UP I'm sleeping FUCK 

Oops. I forgot Sam is not really a morning person and she doesn't have to wake up early like the rest of us. She works in a small library but she mostly works in the afternoons. I can fully understand why. 

Me: Sorry Sam. And yes Cory, I'm down for it!

Cory: Amy? Sam? 

Amy: K. You can count me in ...

There's no response from Sam. She'll probably reply some time later since she's a lazy texter. I decide I'll stop somewhere for breakfast and coffee on my way to work because I'm too lazy to walk to the bakery. And I don't want to run into Damien. I still feel awkward after seeing him with his girlfriend when I've basically had wet dreams about him already. Awkward!

The New Jersey weather blessed us today with some sunshine and warm temperature. I choose to put on a summer dress that's really girly with flowers all over it, but it's cute, and put on my shoes. I can't really wear heels to my work. Walking all day around the store is not something I can do in my heels. 

I work in a clothes shop, not too far from here, but far enough so I need to drive there. Face it, Brooke, you need to drive everywhere because you're simply too lazy to walk.

I sometimes really hate my common sense and that tiny inside voice that is so full of sarcasm sometimes ... But I'm glad my humour is back today. I was afraid a part of it died after hanging around my brother's fiancée for so long. She doesn't understand the word humour and no one is bothering with it around her anymore. 

I still don't get how Braden can live with someone like that. I know they don't see each other that much because he works a lot and Victoria also has to travel a lot for all her model shows and whatever she really does. Maybe that's why Braden can tolerate her. He doesn't have to see and listen to her all the time.

Oh, I'm so mean. I'm sure the devil is already saving me a spot right next to him. 

When I turn the car on I just see Damien running towards the flat complex. He stops in front of the door and puts his hands on his knees. He doesn't see me so I take advantage of the situation and look at him with appreciation. 

My God is he a fine man. God really took the time to create this one. 

He looks around him and I quickly turn my gaze away so he doesn't see me gawking. I hastily drive away before I get a temptation to look at him again. 

I turn the radio on. 

Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well ... The lyrics blasts from the speakers. 

A smile shows up on my lips as I sing along on my drive to work.


I already made arrangements for Braden to come pick us up tonight after the drinks. He was grumpy about it but he knows how it gets with us. It doesn't happen often that he has to come pick us up, but I know he'd rather do this than let anything happen to us. 

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