Chapter 25

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When I come back to the flat, I quickly realise I'm alone and that Rory isn't at home. I'm kind of thankful for that because I don't want her to see me in this messy state where I'm pissed off and hurt both at the same time. And a woman with those two emotions combined is a dangerous woman.

I drop my bag by the couch and throw myself on it, leaning my head back against it. I hate that what Aaron did affects me so much. I don't think it was just his action that hurt me. I've been carrying other shit for years now and I guess I'm sensitive when it comes to that kind of stuff.

I put my arm over my eyes and close them, enjoying the silence.

Maybe I didn't really think this through and maybe I lied to myself when I said I could do it. Or I just overcalculated my abilities to be that woman. I know some who have been in that kind of relationships and I know it never ended well. 

I see why. You get your feelings involved too quickly, no matter how much you tell yourself that you shouldn't. It's just not possible not to feel anything for the person you're being intimate with.

When I hear the front door opening and someone entering the living room, I remove my arm and open one eye, then sit up abruptly when I see it's Rory. "Hey, Rory. Thank God you're back."

Rory comes to me and sits opposite to me on the couch. "Hey, yourself. What's up?" She takes me in with her eyes.  

I'm not mad at Rory for what Aaron did, honest to God. It's not her fault he's an asshole. But it still stings when I see her face and I'm reminded of it. I'm not planning on saying anything to her, though. What Aaron and I have ... had was really nothing even close to a relationship. Probably just one-time thing. 

"I'm so hungry," I whine.

"Why haven't you eaten anything, then?" she asks me, concerned.

I pout. "I wanted to wait for you." Or I just didn't feel that much hunger when I came home. Which says a lot ...

She offers me a smile and looks me over. "You've lost some weight," she observes.

I shrug off her comment. I really haven't noticed. I just know that my eating habits weren't that good these past weeks with all the stress the work is putting me under. On top of everything else. "Eh, it's just been really stressful at work lately." I stare at her, studying her back. "You're glowing. Where have you been?" I ask her a bit suspiciously because I just can't help myself, but I still make my tone light and easy, letting her know I don't mean it in a bad way.

Rory looks away, a blush spreading on her cheeks. "I was ... on a lunch." She clears her throat and she seems uncomfortable. 

"With my brother?"

She looks at me with wide eyes, asking me how I knew about it with them.

I shrug. "Well, I hope it was my brother ... unless ..." I don't finish the sentence.

"Unless what, Brooke?" she asks almost in fear.

I sneer. "Unless he's not the only man you're seeing at the moment ..." I mutter. Let's talk about how I'm not bitter about Aaron and her, shall we? I shouldn't have said that. It was uncalled of and totally rude. 

Rory's mouth hangs open, her forehead wrinkles. "Brooke!" she sputters out disbelievingly. 

I intertwine my hands on my lap and lean forward. "It wouldn't be the first time."

Let's bring on some of my brother's past to make myself feel a little better, why don't I? Jesus. Being hungry and pissed because of a man is really not a fun thing.

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