Chapter 33

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I freak out. No, I really freak out. "What?!" I yell out, not even caring that it's the middle of the night and Aaron is sleeping in the next room. "What the hell! How did that happen? Is she alright? Did ... oh, God, did anything happen to her?" 

"Women and all your thousand questions at once," Braden grumbles. "Rory is going to be fine, at least that's what doctors claim. She should be conscious in just a few hours. They have yet to confirm or deny if anything happened, but Lily claims she was with her the whole time and she called me and the hospital straight away when Rory lost conscious. There's no need to panic."

"No need to panic!" I shriek out hysterically. "You call me in the middle of the night, telling me that my friend is in the hospital because she's been drugged. What the heck! How can you be so calm?" I ask in disbelief, placing my hand on my forehead, my emotions all over the place right now.

I saw Rory only hours before and I even helped her choose a dress for a night out with her best friend. Drugged! That's absurd. Why would anyone do that to her? 

"Calm? Brooke, if I catch the bastard who did that, I'm killing him with my bare hands," Braden threatens, his voice so cool it sends shivers down my spine.

"It was a man who did it?" 

"It was a rape drug. Yes, I believe it was a man," Braden informs me.

I sit down on the couch, falling on it like an empty bag. "Holy fuck," I breathe. "Holy fuck, Braden." 

"Yes, Brooke. Indeed."

"I'm coming there. Just give me some minutes," I say hastily, looking around myself, feeling lost. 

"There's no need, Brooke. Rory is currently unconscious. She's going to wake up soon, anyway. There's no need for anyone coming in here."

I sigh, feeling helpless. 

"Brooke? What are you doing up? What's the matter?"

I freeze at Aaron's voice. Braden becomes deadly silent, too. Until, "Brooke? Did I hear correctly?" 

Oh, here we go! "Depends on what you heard."

"Babe?" comes Aaron's voice again. "Come back to bed." 

Braden starts coughing. "Are you with a man right now?" His voice is a little higher than usual and it seems like he's in discomfort.

"Well ... yeah." 

I swear if he gives me a lecture at 27 ... I'm almost two years older than Rory! 

"Do I know him?" Braden asks carefully.

You just might. Does the one that kissed Rory in front of you and flirted with her ring any bells? I thought so. "Yeah," I say cautiously. 

"Huh. Okay. Want to give me his name?" 

A gurgling sound comes from my throat. "Not really, no." 

"Huh," Braden says thoughtfully. "Well, if you want me to, I can check him out."

Trust me, brother dear, you don't want to know. Besides, I think, without a doubt, he already checked Aaron out. Probably the first time he saw Aaron just breathe a bit differently in Rory's presence. I internally roll my eyes. What a possessive bastard, really. 

Another reason why I want Rory and Braden's relationship last, besides the fact that they're both mad for each other, is that I fear Braden won't find any other woman who's going to tolerate his special personality. I know I wouldn't. 

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