Chapter 20

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Braden and I make plans to go out to lunch today. I don't know where he even finds the time to take his sister out, but since Rory moved in, I've noticed he had a lot more free time to hang out either here in the flat or anywhere where Rory goes. 

Rory went to the lunch with Aaron, which Braden grunted about over the phone. I had to laugh how easily jealous he gets when it comes to Rory. And he doesn't even know her for that long!

But when Braden picks me up, we almost bump into Rory at the door of our flat. She's just coming in when we're going out and she almost fell on the ground if it wasn't for Braden gripping her hand, steadying her. 

I have to step on my tiptoes to look over my brother's shoulder. I'm confused. "You're back already?" It's not even that long ago that she went there. And she went on foot, so that's some extra time it took her to come there and then back home. That was an awfully short lunch. 

She focuses on me instead of my brother, who I notice is still holding her arm. "Yeah," she simply responds.

I punch Braden in the arm so he can move away and give me a better view of Rory and he grumbles something under his breath, but he releases Rory's arm and steps aside, letting me come in front. "What happened?" I want to know. I search her face for answers, but she keeps her face neutral and guards her true emotions like a master.

"Long story short - he didn't show up." She shrugs and tries to look nonchalant, but I know this is only an act she's giving.

I hear Braden taking a sharp intake of breath beside me, but I totally ignore him. I go straight to Rory and hug her. "What a bastard," I mutter in her ear. Seriously. Who needs men? They're all assholes, every single one of them. I release Rory from the hug, but keep my hands on her shoulders. "Wanna go out to lunch with me and Braden?" I offer.

Rory quickly shakes her head. "No, I'll order pizza or something." She plasters a smile on her face, that I notice it's faker than Kim Kardashian's butt, looking us both in the eyes. 

I search her eyes. "Are you sure?" I ask her slowly.

She nods her head. "Yes. Go, you two, I need some alone time anyway," she says and shoves me towards the staircase. 

I laugh and call, "If you say so," back and go down the stairs. I have a feeling she needs to be alone to process this, even maybe call Aaron and ask him about it. I know that when Damien left, my friends couldn't help me much, because I just wanted to get through the pain and the confusion alone.

I leave Rory and Braden alone, waiting for him outside beside his car. 

Braden comes down with a big grin plastered on his face, throwing his car key up in the air. I raise my eyebrows at him. "Did you comfort her?" I ask mockingly, meaning this in the best way. 

I still don't know whether to like it or dislike it that Braden is going after Rory. This could end up terribly or it could be the most wonderful thing - for the both of them. I know they're both attracted to each other. But I also know that Rory is a very sweet woman and Braden can be pretty demanding and have his priorities elsewhere. 

I know he doesn't put any woman first anymore. Not since Victoria. And he always leaves them crying, wanting more, but he's just not willing to give it to them. And I'd hate it if he did this to Rory, too. 

We talk about this over our lunch. And other things, too, of course, but mostly about this. 

"Just so you know, I asked Rory out to dinner tonight." Braden smirks.

I'm not even surprised. I should expect to hear this sooner or later. "Just don't hurt her, Braden. I really like her and I'd hate for you to destroy the friendship I'm forming with her," I plead him.

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