Chapter 30

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Aaron and I lie in his bed for hours, either talking or enjoying the silence. I can't say I didn't miss this intimacy between two people, but this exact intimacy can be the cause of another heartbreak. 

Aaron and I talked about different things. About our favourite food, our favourite restaurants - even our favourite animals and reasons for it. We even covered some heavy subjects. I told him about my parents and how they died in a car accident when I was 18. 

That was a rough time for me. It was when I needed my parents the most and ... I didn't have them anymore. My brother helped me a lot at that time, he was my anchor - still is. But it's still hard for me whenever I think about it. I still didn't get completely over it. 

I also asked Aaron about his mother and he told me she's completely okay now and recovered perfectly, as if nothing happened. She's got a heart attack on the day he and Rory should have a lunch together. 

I have to leave when Aaron has to get ready for work and when I come home, I come into an empty flat because Rory has already left. I'm not hungry because Aaron and I ate together. 

I realise in what a good mood I am now that Aaron and I are good again. I hated when we were fighting and now that it's all clear, it feels like a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I also worried about the cruel words I said to him at the bar when I got drunk and jealous. 

We're okay now, that's what's important. It also makes me happy that I'm finding my happiness with someone new now and that I'm finally learning to leave the past where it belongs - in the past. What happened, happened. It's time to move on now and forget about it. Damien was one in a million. There are other guys that deserve a chance now. I won't be crying because of him my whole life.

I get an idea of visiting Aaron in the bar when he finishes. I realise I'll have to wait until 2 am for it, but I like spending time with him and I think it'd be totally worth it. 

I'm surprised I don't fall asleep before the clock strikes 2 am. I'm actually giddy and excited to see him again.

But when I come to the bar, I come at the exact right moment for the shock to slap me in the face when I see Aaron hugging Rory at the bar.

"Oh, isn't this fan-fucking-tastic? Just like in a romance novel!" I say loudly, alerting both of them that they have a company. And they both jump back as fast as they can, both looking guilty.

I'm standing in front of the bar counter, having my hands on my hips and my eyes narrowed on Aaron, glaring at him with hurt, betrayal and angriness. I didn't even notice my brother came down here, too, but he's standing beside me with his arms crossed and glaring at Rory.

''Rory. A word, please,'' Braden announces calmly. His tone icy. 

Rory catches my look, full of hurt. She only shakes her head no.

When Braden and Rory get out of the bar, I put my forearms on the counter and give Aaron my full attention. He looks like a deer in headlights and it doesn't make the situation look any better. "I'll give you a chance to explain," I tell him seriously and calmly, even though everything inside of me is wanting to explode and I want to scream at him on top of the lungs. 

Aaron walks closer to me with raised hands. "It's not what it looks like."

I laugh dryly with a roll of my eyes. "The famous words! This is going to be interesting. Continue, please." 

Aaron straightens his mouth. "Hear me out before you get jealous. There's no need to be jealous at all." I only arch my eyebrow, but stay quiet. "I'm not the monster here, Brooke. Rory came down from your brother's office before and she was crying. That hug that you saw was simply me comforting her." 

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