Chapter 6

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''Stop looking at me like that, please. It's making me uncomfortable.''

Damien is sitting opposite from me, watching me eat. He's really watching me, with his elbow on the table and his chin resting on his palm. It's unnerving and it makes me nervous. It always makes me nervous when someone watches me eating. Not because I'm ashamed of it, it's just weird. Why would you look at me while I shove my food into my mouth, chew on it and swallow it? 

''I'm sorry. But I don't remember when was the last time I've been out with a woman and she actually ate like that. If ever,'' Damien comments, still looking at me.

I pause with my cheeseburger in mid-air. ''Are you trying to say that I eat too much?'' I narrow my eyes jokingly.

Damien's eyes widen and he drops his hand down on the table. ''No. No, of course not!'' he quickly denies. ''It's refreshing, actually. And something ... new, I'd say.''

I slowly nod my head, thinking about his words. ''That's probably because you men go out with those models who are on strict diets. And then you complain that women don't eat.'' I shrug, taking another bite of my cheeseburger. 

This thing is delicious! 

''I really like that you tell what's on your mind, Brooke.''

I lift my eyes and look at him. ''Then you won't mind when I tell you to stop looking at me while I eat.'' I give him a grin. This man is making me nervous enough as it is. He doesn't have to stare at me while I put this hamburger in my mouth. 

''I like looking at you,'' he surprises me by saying. 

''Hmm,'' I mumble, my mouth full when I cock my head to the side and study his face, trying to see if he's actually serious. ''I'm sure it must be a sight to behold when I'm shoving this hamburger in my face, huh?'' 

Damien puts both of his forearms on the table now and leans forward. ''Your sarcasm, Brooke - I like that. In fact, I'm finding a lot of things I like about you.'' 

I raise my eyebrow at him while I nonchalantly put a fry in my mouth, taking a time to chew on it. Damien looks at my lips, watching the fry between them and I see his gaze narrow. ''Do these lines usually work?'' 

It takes him a few seconds for his focus to come back to my eyes. Men. ''What?''

''The lines. Do they work on others?''

''The lines?'' Damien repeats. 

''You know ... give the poor girl some compliments so she'll spread her legs later when you take her home?'' 

Damien blinks at me for a few moments before he bursts out laughing. ''You tell me.'' He raises his eyebrows up at me. 

I furrow my eyebrows. ''Hmm,'' I say once again. I remember all three women in the past two days I've seen with him. ''It's sad how they easily fall for this.'' I motion my hand towards him.

Damien's lips perk up at the corner. But, damn, he's got some nice lips. ''I'm actually starting to get offended. You really know how to hurt a man's ego, Brooke.''

I wave my hand. ''Ah, I'm sure you'll survive.'' 

Damien puts both of his elbows on the table, clasps his hands together and rests his chin on them, watching me with his amazing turquoise eyes. ''What does it take for you to, let's say, be charmed by a man?'' 

I arch my eyebrow. ''Not some lousy compliments, that's for sure.''

''Lousy compliments!'' Damien laughs yet again, gaining some attention from the people around us. He's got a nice laugh, too. A deep, throaty and totally masculine. ''Brooke, when I give someone a compliment, I mean what I say. I don't say things just to get women in bed.'' He shakes his head.

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