Chapter 31

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"You two, some of us eat in here, just for your information," I make myself known in the kitchen where a heavy makeout session is going on. Jesus. Rory jumps back and Braden groans out in displeasure. It should be me being displeased when my brother is making out in the middle of my kitchen, thank you very much!

"Jesus, Brooke, you really know how to choose a moment," Braden says, closing his eyes.

"Excuse me? This is my kitchen, Braden, and I would like to eat here without remembering you two doing whatever stuff you like to do alone," I say with a disgusted voice, scrunching my nose up, pointing out the last word and looking at Braden.

If Rory blushes any harder, she's going to look like a tomato. "Sorry, Brooke," she mutters.

"No, Rory, don't apologise. This is your flat now, too," Braden says, pointedly staring at me.

I lift my eyebrow. "Well, damn, if that means you two can have a makeout session in the kitchen I share with Rory, then let's see how kindly you'll react when I start making out with someone in the middle of your kitchen the next time, Braden."

Braden glares at me as an answer and then looks away. 

"I think we'll just have to move to your room, then. What do you say, baby?" Braden says close to Rory's ear, but clearly loud enough for me to hear.

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. "Ugh," I make a disgusted sound and stomp loudly out of the kitchen, going straight for the door. That glass of water is going to have to wait until I get to Aaron's place. 

Aaron's waiting for me in a towel and nothing else, coming straight out of the shower. If he was wearing a bow, I'd believe it's a Christmas Eve. "Why, hello," I greet him with an enormous grin, biting down on my bottom lip. 

"Hi, babe. I've been waiting for you," he tells me, pulling me into a heart-stuttering kiss. "I hope you ate already because we're going straight to bed."

I pretend to be shocked. "What a gentleman, really. Don't you want to feed me first before we indulge in bed activities?"

Aaron is already pushing me backwards, a dirty smile playing on his lips, his eyes dancing with the need for me. "Nu-uh," he says, shaking his head. "I want you too much to waste the time with food now."

I want to say something, but he throws me on the bed suddenly and when he throws the towel down on the floor, I forget completely what I even wanted to say, so I shut my mouth and stay quiet. But Aaron makes sure it's not for long.


Next morning, I go to work straight from Aaron's place and then after back to my flat. I'm in a very good mood, even more so when I come home and a table is set with lunch waiting for me. 

My smile instantly widens when I see the food. "Ooh-la-la!" I sing out dramatically, making Rory laugh. "The perks of not having anything to do during the day," I joke. Then I go to her and give her a friendly kiss on the cheek. "I could easily confess my undying love to you right now. God, I'm starving!" I gratefully dig into my food.

Rory watches me in amusement, laughing. "I could survive without your confessions of how deep your love runs." She winks at me.

I laugh. "No, but seriously. If Braden ever breaks up with you, I'm cutting his balls off," I say half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Rory shakes her head at me. "Shame. They're great balls," she mocks me.

That comment almost takes my appetite away. Almost. I never understood how people could stop eating when someone said something they found inappropriate or gross. You can say anything in front of me, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm hungry. So I'm going to eat. I still shudder at Rory's comment, though. "Gross."

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