Chapter 48

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I turn to Rory, a big smile spreading on my face. "Hello, my dear friend. Did you know men suck? I'm actually thinking of becoming a nun," I say lightly. I also make sure I say that loud enough for Damien to hear, who's probably still standing outside.

"Damn, Brooke. That was really harsh. What did the poor man do to you?" Rory asks me, following me into the living room where I crash down on the couch, tired of this drama.

I frown, staring right up at Rory. "Poor man, Rory? He deserves anything but sympathy, that narcissistic asshole," I hiss. "You know, Rory, you did a big mistake, falling in love and all that shit. Men truly suck. I swear I'll become a lesbian." I smirk. "So, hey, if you ever decide to ditch my brother, I'm available."

Rory raises her eyebrow at me and chuckles, taking a seat on the couch, too. "Alright, Brooke, I'll keep that in mind. Are you going to tell me what he did, though?" she asks me, intrigued. It's been a long time since Rory has been here in this flat and it's been a long time since we had a heart to heart conversation.

"Okay, let me explain something here. You see, Damien, who's been absent for years, decides to come back and expects me to fall at his feet the second he says he's sorry. I finally agree to try to be friends with him, because he says that's what he wants, anyway, and that he's not ready for anything serious at the moment, seeing that he just came back and all that bullshit he kept telling me that I stopped listening after a few words. Okay, all good. And then a nice, charming guy at work asks me on a date and I agree to go, but then Damien keeps calling me and texting me during that date, even though he knows I'm on a freaking date, but when he just doesn't seem to get the point, he shows up in a bar and makes a scene."

I put my head back on the couch and close my eyes. "And you know what's the worst? I even liked the guy, Rory. He's nice, unbelievingly hot with a killer smile. And I thought that I could finally give someone else a chance and try to forget about how the two guys I liked don't want to have anything serious with me, but then Damien fucking comes and shows up, ruining my chances, because, God, Rory, I feel something for him and it's hard to let go. And I'm fucking desperate here, not knowing what to do, because, once again, a guy that I want doesn't want me the same way." I sob. "Shit, my life is turning into a fucking soap opera."

Rory wraps her arms around me.

My phone rings and I get it out of my pocket, hitting ignore right after. Then I turn it off again and carelessly throw it on the table.

"I really hate him. I hate him for messing me up, giving me hope, only to shoot it down right after. Man, I think I'm seriously going to become a nun and live a peaceful life."

Rory chuckles. "Sweetheart, you're only saying that now, because the right man still hasn't come yet and swept you off your feet. But he's going to come and he's going to be the one to treat you right. He's going to show you why all other men weren't worthy of you, I promise. You're not worth to get played like that and that certain asshole doesn't deserve you crying over him."

I let out a pained noise. "But that's the thing, Rory, when I try to move on and find myself someone else, someone better, he has to come and ruin it! I mean, who even does that? Who's messed up like that?" I say in aggravation, my voice laced with annoyance.

Rory still has her arms wrapped around me. ''O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-ey'd monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on,'' she suddenly quotes.

My head snaps up and I look at her in confusion. "What does that even mean?"

Rory gives me a sincere smile. "Ah, Brooke. That screams a behaviour of a jealous man."

I huff and roll my eyes. "Don't make me laugh, Rory. He's not jealous, he's just an asshole. Besides, he has nothing to be jealous of. Only maybe he doesn't like to see that he can't toss me around anymore," I grunt.

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