Chapter 43

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Damien was trying to do everything to make me go out with him or just to spend some time with him. He's been texting me non-stop for a whole week, even came by my place a few times, but I ignored him. 

I felt myself becoming weak again and I'm afraid it's going to be like it was the last time. I think Damien is a man who loves when something doesn't come easily to him. He isn't used to chasing the women, he's used to the women chasing him, but when someone's running away from him? I think he loves that rush.

He loved it in the past and then left when he got me. How do I know he's not going to do the same thing now? Although it brings me a lot of comfort that I haven't seen any women parading in and out of his flat. 

Some part of me wants to believe him, wants to believe he's serious and really wants to try with me, but the other part is scared out of its mind to be disappointed yet again. 

I successfully avoided him for the whole week because I love being a coward rather than confront the problem. I want to talk to him, but I'm afraid he's going to tell me exactly what I want to hear and is going to make me fall for him again. Although it feels like I've never stopped falling.

On Saturday, Rory calls me for help. She's attending a gala with Braden and she needs help with the dress, make-up and hairstyle. I grab the chance to escape my flat and escape the possibility of Damien coming to my flat again. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to stand my ground.

"Ouch!" Rory winces as I press the brush a little too hard against her eyelid when doing her eye make-up.

I let out a strangled noise, rolling my eyes. "Stop being so sensitive," I retort.

"Well, try to be a little more gentle, yeah?" Rory murmurs.

I huff. "Do you say that to my brother, too?" I tease.

Rory's mouth falls open in shock and then a silent laughter comes out of it. "Not really. He knows how to be gentle." She bites down on her lip.

I literally gag, regretting I ever made that remark. "Shut up. Don't say anything else."

Rory laughs out fully now. "You started it!" she defends herself.

"I deeply regret it now," I mutter. I place my hands on her face. "Stop moving your head," I scold.

Rory rolls her lips inside her mouth. "Yes, boss," she says in full sarcasm.

I ignore her and continue with the task, concentrating on making it perfect. "You can open your eyes now," I tell her when I finish. 

I stand back and admire my handiwork, angling her head and narrowing my eyes on certain parts on her face. "Okay, it looks pretty awesome. Now look up at the ceiling," I order her.

I apply some eyeshadow on her lower lid, making sure my strokes are soft and gentle so I don't hurt her eye. 

I paint her lips with a lipstick and then I'm finished.

I clasp my hands together in excitement. "Now comes the fun part! Let's get you into that dress," I say all jolly.

"Aren't you excited today," Rory says quietly, staring at me. The corners of her lips tug up in a smile.

A frown falls on my lips. "And you're not even excited at all." I put my hands on lips, narrowing my eyes on her in suspicion. "Is something wrong? Something going on between you and my brother?" I want to know.

Rory shakes her head. "No, no. Not at all, everything's good between us. Perfect even. I'm just a little bit nervous after the last time being at an even like that with him. And all that drama with Victoria is getting down on me," she sighs tiredly, trying to rub her temples.

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