Chapter 46

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Mondays are always a bitch. Especially when you hate mornings. And especially when you had a great weekend, but you have to go back to reality on Monday.

Damien and I spent yesterday together, too, although not the whole day. I went back to my flat when Damien went running, even though he kept making suggestive remarks how he wants to try a bit different workout with me. Yeah, I didn't fall for his charm.

I went back to my place to shower and tried not to overthink what I was doing, but the feeling of his arm wrapped around me and his whole body pressed against mine is etched into my memory, never forgotten now.

And Damien is, apparently, on a mission to stroll back into my life, doing whatever he has to do. He came by my place yesterday afternoon and I would lie if I said I wasn't happy to see him.

But my stubborn ass hated how much I liked it and my heart still has a barricade around it, tsking disapprovingly every time I see Damien. I know now what Justin Bieber was singing about his heart going knock-knock.

He actually wanted to stay the night yesterday, making it look like he's falling asleep during the movie - the exact same trap I fell into - but I kicked him out. I'm not doing that again. That's getting too close and too personal way too fast.

I also had to answer the girls' texts and questions why I didn't hang out with them when they asked. I wasn't in the mood to hang out with them and I even forgot - me, who never forgets about our usual hangouts. But, to my defence, we don't go out every week anymore and I'm allowed to be busy sometimes, too.

I told them I was with Damien and they threatened to come here and cut his balls off. They still held a grudge towards him, but I managed to calm them down, telling them that I'm handling his balls just fine - not literally, of course.

But Monday suddenly doesn't feel that bad when that man invited you out for a dinner tonight. That's the only thing I'm looking forward to today. That's why I feel the work is dragging on.

I'm also stressing about what to wear and planning the things I have to do when I come home. Shower, shave, do my hair, do my make-up, find what to wear so I look sexy and desirable, but not giving off the wrong vibe. Yes, being a woman is hard. Especially when you're dealing with a man like Damien Knox. Or even worse, with the man himself.

Damien comes at my door at 7 pm sharp. I get the door, a bit wobbly in my high heels because I don't know what's waiting for me behind the door. And when I open it, I can only stare mutely.

He's dressed in black trousers, a black dress shirt and a black vest, sans tie. My mouth slightly parts open at how good he looks, especially with his dark hair and light eyes.

He rakes his eyes over my body in an appreciative manner, too. My throat is closing up on me and I can't do anything but stare at the beautiful sight that's in front of me. "Hi," I choke out.

Damien keeps one of his hands in his pocket and extends his other one to touch my hip before he slowly leans in, showing me his intention, and presses his lips right on the corner of my mouth, leaving it there for long enough to make me want to hyperventilate.

He slowly, oh, so slowly drags his mouth a little left so his lips slightly brush over mine before he retreats back. "Good evening, gorgeous," Damien greets me with a smile to die for.

Wow, I really want to go down on my knees for him right now.

I puff the air out of my mouth and go out, closing and locking the door behind, trying to gain some composure before I trip and fall down the stairs.

Damien puts his hand on my lower back and I have to refrain myself from jumping up at his unexpected touch and the feelings I get from it.

He drives us to a fancy restaurant tonight. I don't know if he remembers my distaste for these restaurants, but I don't want to sound bitchy and unappreciative. I'm glad he even took me out, let's leave it at there. I don't even care all the much where we go as long as we're together. Yes, that's how deep I fell for a man.

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