Chapter 24

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I greet Rory with a warm smile. "Ooh, smells delicious in here," I say as I walk into the kitchen to where she's standing. 

"Yeah, I decided to try out my cooking skills," Rory says with a chuckle.

I'm sure I get an alarmed expression on my face because Rory is not any better cook than me. Rory pretends to be wounded by my look, pouting her lips. 

"Don't worry, it didn't come out as bad as you expect," she comments.

I give her a side smile. "What would you know about my expectations?" I tease her.

Rory gasps in a fake mortification. "Now I'm really considering eating it all by myself!"

I clutch my stomach and laugh. "Sorry, sorry, I take it back. I'm too hungry to care if I get poisoned." That coffee I grabbed with Aaron didn't satisfy my hunger at all.

"Well, damn, if you don't know how to bust someone's ego." Rory grins at me, showing me that she's only joking.

I take the vibe and wave my hand nonchalantly. "Eh, I try, I try."

We both laugh until we both have tears in our eyes.

"So, what's for lunch?" I ask as I check it. When I notice what it is, I groan and my stomach rumbles. I might have even drooled a little.

Rory crosses her arms on her chest, still grinning from ear to ear. "Did you just drool?" she teases me.

My eyes widen. "I did not!" I shoot back defensively and Rory puts her hands up in surrender. "I love cordon bleu! And tomato salad? Yum!" I stick my tongue out and lick my lips.

"Brooke," she says to me seriously, looking me straight in the eyes. "You love food in any shape and taste it comes," she mocks me.

I just shrug carelessly. Isn't that the whole truth ... "Stop judging," I shoot back.

Rory laughs at me. "Oh, shut up so we can go eat already. You're not the only one hungry in here, you know!"

I do shut up and minutes later, we're sitting at the kitchen table, savouring the delicious taste. I really love food. "It didn't come out half as bad as I expected," Rory confesses and I laugh.

"Uh, Rory, I'm surprised that there's not any smoke in here and that the kitchen is still in one piece."

Rory pouts her lips. "Now you're just being mean!"

I flash my teeth in a smile. "No, I'm being honest. That's what friends are for, right?"

She doesn't answer me, instead focusing on chewing the food.

"Hey, have you maybe talked to Braden?" I decide to ask her. I've been wondering if my brother decided to finally be a man enough and talk to her. Rory seems to be in a better mood today, so I'm thinking it could be Braden's fault for that. 

Rory chokes on the food she just put in her mouth. Tears spring into her eyes from coughing so hard and I instantly stand up, getting her a glass of water. "Thank you," she says when she's finally able to speak again.

"I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't mention his name when you're eating," I mutter and her eyes instantly fall on me.

Her look turns wary, curious and confused all at once. She leans back in her chair to have a better look at me. 

"What does that mean?" Her voice sounds panicked for some reason.

I lift my gaze and swallow my food before speaking. "He mentioned that he's going to the bar you're working at yesterday and I just thought that maybe you two spoke with each other." I study her face, trying to read her expression, but Rory tries to make it as neutral as she possibly can.

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