Chapter 25

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"I'm sorry that he can't be there, and he's really sorry too buddy." I told my son, rubbing his back up and down.

"It's fine. Can I just be alone, please?" Austin pulled away from me, and I could hear him sniveling.

"Alright. If you need anything, I'll be in the living room." I stood up quietly and made my way to the bedroom I share with my husband. I sat on the bed, trying to FaceTime Nick. He didn't pick up. I tried again, got the same thing. I gave up after five tries and went downstairs to try and occupy myself with something else. I went into the living room and put on Netflix, laying on the couch with a blanket. Ace jumped up and laid on top of me.

But I couldn't stop thinking about it. This was probably the most important game of the football season to Austin, and he really wanted to show Nick all that he's learned. Nick hasn't been to one of Austin's games and it's slowly crushing him I think. But it isn't Nick's fault. His schedule is always full whenever Austin has a game. This one though, it's really killing him. Nick was away for shooting a movie, and wasn't to be back for a few days.

I sighed. Austin was really looking forward to Nick being to this game. It was tomorrow after the kids got out of school, and Kane and I were going to it. The girls wanted to stay back so I'm  having Becky watch them until we get back. I pet Ace's head, frowning. He seemed to reflect my expression back at me. Then my phone began to ring.

"Hi honey." I let out a held in breath as Nick's face came up on the iPhone 5 screen.

"What's up babe? Sorry, I was in the middle of something when you called." He sheepishly smiled at me as his way of apology.

"Austin just really wants you there tomorrow. I don't want something to happen because you're not. I've explained that your schedule isn't allowing you to, but I feel like that isn't enough. You know?" He nodded along with me.

"I'll try....but I don't think I'll be able to be there and I really wish I could be. I know how much it means to him, and I am so proud of him. It really sucks sometimes." I looked around the room. I know how bad he wants to go to Austin's games every time he misses them.

"There's the cutest smile in the whole world." I said when a small smile stretched on his lips.

"You're funny." He told me blankly, making the both of us laugh. Then I just studied his face. How I got to be married to this amazing man is still beyond me.

"You're staring at me. What's wrong?" Nick asked, cocking his eyebrow. How I wanted to just kiss him and hug him right now.

"Nothing, nothing. I just....I love you so much Nick. You have no idea, and I wish I could describe it to you. Every time I see you, even if it's only a picture, my breath is taken away. I never thought I would feel anything like that."

"I love you too sugar. And I cannot wait to see you when I get home. We need to take that vacation soon before you get sick of me." He tried to make a joke, and an evil smirk played on his face. I gasped, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Nicholas. How dare you." I scolded. I then narrowed my eyes, but couldn't keep a straight face. He always made me smile, even when I really, really didn't want to.

"I love you baby. I'm gonna get going to bed. The girl I brought back to my room, yeah...she's getting restless." He looked back to the hotel bed to make it seem like someone was there. Then he looked back to the camera and bit in his bottom lip like he was serious.

"Don't you joke about that. I'll fight any bitch that tries to get near you. You hear me? I love you Nicholas." I raised my eyebrows, making sure he understood.

"Yes ma'am. I would never dream of anyone else. I love you, say goodnight to the kids for me." I puckered my lips and made a kissing noise before we hung up. I continued to watch Netflix for another hour or so before I checked to make sure that all the kids were settled and ready for bed.

Lexi and Austin were already sleeping, but the other two were wide awake. Kane was strumming away at his acoustic guitar, and Aster was watching a Barbie movie.

"Time for bed, and your father says goodnight." I told my son, standing in his door with my hands on my hips. He looked up at me from his guitar. Kane was almost a spitting image of teenage Nick and it blew me away.

"Alright mom, I love you." I went over and kissed his cheek, shutting his bedroom door. I went to my youngest daughter's room and she was repeating what was being said in the movie.

"What's this young lady?" I pretended to be mad at her, my mouth gaping open. Aster looked at me with wide eyes like she was in big trouble.

"A movie mama."

"Daddy says goodnight, so it's time for bed baby girl."

"You talked to daddy?! No fair." I turned her tv off and she crossed her arms over her chest. She got upset whenever Nick was away and she didn't get to talk to him everyday.

"You're so cute."


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