Chapter 26

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It was game day, and Austin was not in the greatest state. Not just because of the game, but because of the depression he's still suffering from. It's been three months since I picked him up from the hospital, and he hasn't attempted anything, but I still watch him very closely.

"Ready to go boys?" I asked them, putting my purse on my shoulder. I dressed in a pair of high waisted shorts and put on a bra let and a light cardigan. My sunglasses sat on top of my head. Austin heaved his duffle bag on his arm and Kane shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Yup. Let's go." My oldest son said. The three of us rode to the football stadium they'd be playing in, and it took Austin and his entire team a lot of hard work to get here. I was so incredibly proud of him.

When we got there, there were dozens of people trying to get pictures of us. I shielded the boys as much as I could and Austin ran off to be with the team. Kane and I found spots, hoping too many people didn't approach us. Since Nick wasn't with us, I didn't think it'd be an issue. I was wrong. Loads of people came up to ask if I was his wife and if they could get a picture.

At half time, Austin started to second guess his ability on the field. I went with him and Kane to get them food at the concession stand, and Austin kept talking down on himself. Now, we haven't revealed his problem to the public, and probably won't. It just wouldn't be good for any of us. Austin hasn't told any of his friends or teammates either, per his request.

"Baby, you are doing amazing. You're so passionate about what you do out there, just keep doing it. You've already scored two touchdowns for your team. That's amazing." I smiled at him, and he swept his sweat filled hair from his forehead. A small smile, probably only for my sake, came to his lips. The boys got their food as the three of us sat at a table, and it was nice to spend time with them. Kane kept joking with him, and I could see a genuine smile come up on Austin's face.

When the second half began, I started to become restless. Austin was doing amazing, but I kept thinking about how crushed he was when I told him Nick couldn't be here.

"Hey stranger." Someone whispered in my ear roughly. I turned my head, and my lips crashed right into theirs. Right away, I could tell it was Nick just by the way he kissed me.

"What are you doing here?" I breathed out after the kiss, looking into his soft, brown eyes I've missed for the past couple of weeks.

"Dad?" Kane asked. Then everyone erupted in cheers as Austin's team scored a touchdown, and it was Austin whose name they announced. Nick, Kane, and I then began screaming our butts off, cheering Austin on. Nick came to sit next to me.

"I hated not being here. I really could've come home today anyway instead of tomorrow. So I took the opportunity." He shrugged then put an arm around my shoulders. It was so nice to be able to be next to him, it had felt like so long since the last time.

"I'm glad you came. And I'm sure our son will be overjoyed." I smiled, kissing him again. People around us began screaming. Ugh, fans. I pulled my lips from his and took my sunglasses off my head, sliding them over my eyes. For the rest of the game, we just watched Austin play, and then after, Nick went to surprise him by the locker rooms.

"Dad!" My youngest son exclaimed, going to hug Nick. He looked like he was about to cry.

"That was awesome, what you did out there today." My husband complimented, winking.

"Thanks. It really means a lot....coming from you. I'm gonna go over there with my friends." Austin pointed his thumb to a group of other boys by the concession stand. Nick nodded and then came to stand by me. Kane had gone off and found his own friends.

"I cannot wait to get you home." He said into my ear quickly.

"Funny. The kids will probably be up for another few hours. It's only seven." I rolled my eyes, looking at him over my sunglasses. He arched an eyebrow.

"Who said the kids had to be asleep?"

"Nicholas." I scowled, but it was hard to hide my smile. I gave in, and a smile stretched on my lips.


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