Chapter 43

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"Unacceptable. You are grounded until further notice. And Kane." I looked at both of my sons after I took charge of the yelling when I got up here. I was prepared to flush these pills down the toilet and get this whole thing over with. As I walked to the bathroom to flush these down the toilet, Nick wolf whistled behind me.

"And you mister, are not off the hook either." I whipped around on my heels, looking him in the eyes.

"What did I do?"

"There's something you're not telling me Nick. I kept my mouth shut, but I can't anymore. You and Joe never have arguments unless it's something serious. Just tell me." I whined. I then proceeded to dump the contents of the bottle into the toilet, flushing it. He gave me a blank look, and he looked innocent. Like he could never do anything wrong.

"Fine. But you're not going to like it." He sighed.

"I'm all ears." Then he went over and closed the bathroom door. I leaned against the wall, and he did against the counter.

"You remember my ex, Miley?" He said, sucking in a breath.

"Cyrus? From, like, ages ago? What about her?" I cocked my head to the side.

"She's been texting me. Lots and lots. I've asked politely for her to stop, and I've gotten stern, but she won't."

"That's why you've been so protective over your phone lately." I narrowed my eyes. Now it all made sense. His eyes landed on the floor for a second and it was silent.

"Yeah. I was going to tell you, really. It's been going on for months." I thought it's only been like the past few weeks. Now I was angry.

"The past few months, and you're just now telling me?!"

"Katy. I had good intentions, I promise."

"I really don't have more to say to you right now." I opened the door and walked out, going downstairs. Aster had eaten all the waffles I'd given her, and was even trying to make her own right now. I rushed to help her.

"No, no. Honey, never try this by yourself. Only if daddy or I is here to help." I picked her up and sat her on the counter next to me. Lexi finally came downstairs, looking like she still needed sleep.

"Morning sleepy head." I told her, as she opens the fridge. She walks past me with juice and I quickly kiss her head.

"Ugh, mom!" She whines. I smirk and continue making breakfast for everyone.

After we all eat, Lexi pulls me up to her bedroom. She says she's got something to talk about. I sit on the bed next to her and she looks me directly in the eyes.

"I don't want you to get mad mom." She cautioned.

"Okay. I won't, go ahead." Lexi took a deep breath and briefly closed her eyes before looking to the rug on the floor.

"I had sex for the first time the other night." She murmured it, but I still heard clearly. I gasped.

"Alexis April Jonas." I hissed, narrowing my eyes. Not her. Not yet.

"I didn't like it mom. I hated it." She began to whine and fell into my arms.

"It's okay baby. When did you do it?" Now we had to have a talk I wasn't planning on having with my girls for another couple of years. Things change quickly I suppose. She looked up at me with teary eyes.

"Remember Friday night when you said I could go to Mary's house?" I nodded.

"That's when. Jake and I went up to one of the spare rooms in her house and he convinced me. We started kissing....and then his hands touched all over me, but I didn't stop it." As I listened, chills went down my spine. The way she described it, it was hard for me to listen to my 15 year old daughter explain sex to me.

"Did you..?" I didn't need to say if. Lexi nodded and a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Nick and I do not need grandchildren for a long time yet.

"Oh mom." She cried and I gathered her into my arms. I stroked her hair and kissed her head.

"Everything will be fine. Have you been seeing Jake, or was this just a jump at something?" I questioned.

"We just did that one time. I swear. Ugh, dad's gonna kill me." She sobbed even more.

"No he isn't. I can talk to him for you, would that be okay?" I lifted her face to look at me and she nodded, her eyes becoming red. I wiped away stray tears.

"Alright sweetie. I've got something to tell you, and I really need you to listen. I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did, and God forbid you or your sister does it. I wasn't going to say anything until you were older, but I guess it's now or never. Just let me go see what everyone else has planned, and then I'm all yours." I kissed Lexi's head and opened her door. I looked around the hall, a part of me thinking that someone would be listening in on us. Nick came up the stairs, his voice startling me.

"Everything okay?"


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