Chapter 7

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"So, I know that you have a lot on your plate right now, ya know with your outburst last night, but I'm going to tell you what happened this morning when I was dropping the kids off."


"Just listen. According to our oldest daughter, I don't do anything for a living. I'm just a mom and I don't have a real job, I mean, that's complete bull crap. I guess I'm a bitch so it doesn't really matter, does it?" I said all this in a fake voice, looking at my nails and glancing at him occasionally. He blinked at me.

"Katy....I am so sorry I said that to you. It was so out of line for me, and I know that's not how a gentleman should ever treat a woman. Under any circumstances. I got upset because at dinner....I saw that Chase had texted you. He sent you a heart Katy. He knows we're married right?" I took in everything he said, taking a deep breath.

"Thank you. And yes, he does know that I'm married. He doesn't know that it's you specifically, but we're just two friends talking. I would never dream of anything more."

"You know that I could totally f_ck him up. Right?" He raised his eyebrow in the sexy way that he does, and I smirked.

"Of course I do. Now, I'm gonna go change out of this uncomfortable dress. I love you Nicholas." I put my hand on his cheek and pulled his lips toward mine, taking in his kiss.

"I love you Kaitlyn." He smiled, pulling away from me. I strutted out of the room and went upstairs to shower and change.

"I swear, you can be so quiet when you want to." I whispered softly as I felt my husband's fingers on my hips. His lips met the back of my neck, and he led me to our bed.

"I can't let you continue your day until we make up Mrs. Jonas." He looked into my eyes, hovering over me. I met him in a kiss, smiling against him as he bit my lip. My dress slid down my body and he kissed from my chest to my waist.

I finally got to shower and get ready for the day, giving my makeup one last check in the mirror.

"I'm gonna get going baby. I love you." Nick said to me from the bedroom.

"Hey, I'm thinking of taking the kids out for dinner tonight. You know, to assure them there's nothing wrong with us." I said to him, applying my mascara in the mirror.

"That's a great idea. I'll see you later babe." He kissed the side of my neck before going down the stairs, singing to himself. I smiled at that, putting on the rest of my makeup.

When I picked the kids up from school, and Austin from practice, Aster kept on taking about all the games she played in class today, and I was getting tired. But of course, I couldn't just cut her off and tell her to stop talking. Just in time, Nick called.

"Baby, mama's gotta take this." I grinned at her in the rearview mirror and answered the call, putting the phone to my ear and just about slamming on the brakes at a red light. Of course, just my luck, a paparazzi van was right behind us. I rolled my eyes.

"Hi honey." Nick says in the phone. His voice still makes my heart soar.


"So I just made the reservations. Should I meet you guys there? I'll be at the studio for as long as it'll take me to get home and there with all of you."

"That's fine. I'll just get the kids ready then."

"Sounds good. I love you sugar."

"I love you too. So much it's insane." I smiled. I would always say that when we first began dating, and I even included it in the wedding vows I wrote of my own. We ended the call and I pulled into the driveway just then, and made sure the security gate was closed as I went through it. All the kids ran in the house.

"Freeze!" I commanded all of them, and they did as ordered.

"We're all going out to dinner tonight, so go get ready." A smirk grew on Lexi's face.

"Oohh...I gotta look good for the guys out tonight." She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Ha, funny. Your father would kill the both of us if you went out in anything provocative. Make sure you check with me first young lady." I pointed my index finger at her and her smile dropped. Aster looked at me with her big, doe brown eyes she'd gotten from Nick.

"And I'll help you little lady. Come on." I picked her up in my arms and brought her up to her bedroom.

"Let's see what we have."


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