Chapter 47

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By the time dinner was over, Nick was a decent amount of drunk. He stumbled into the back of the car and I clung to his arm the whole way home. When we got there, I had to help him into the house considering he helped himself to the champagne in the limo. About four glasses.

"Let's get you inside baby." I was buzzed myself, but not drunk. I pulled him through the door, the two of us greeted by the dog. His face was in my hair, and my arms were trying to keep him upright.

"You're pretty." Here we go. Since we've been together, whenever he's drunk, he just spits out all these compliments. One right after another.

"The prettiest girl in the whole wide world." He cooed, smiling like an idiot. I sat Nick on the couch and gave him some water to drink. After a few glasses, he was sobering up enough for me to have an actual conversation with him. We ended up on the love seat in the living room with only the lamps on the walls lit, the blinds closed. He kissed me, his teeth raking my bottom lip, a moan coming from my mouth.

"God, I love you." I said breathlessly, desperately trying to catch my breath. How I got lucky enough to run into the arms of him, I will never know. Nick's hands squeezed my sides and he lifted me, putting me on his lap. My lips were recaptured by his every other second, and I couldn't get enough.

"You're so amazing. I can't imagine living without you Katy." My husband's breath was hot on my neck, and I felt his hands begin to slid the fabric of my dress up my body.

I was now curled up, only clad in panties, under a blanket with Nick on the couch in front of the tv. He got up to go to the bathroom, and I saw the scratch marks on his back that I had just inflicted there. Those will be fun to explain to the family on our vacation to the Florida Keys in a couple months. Once he was back, I snuggled myself up to him, kissing his shoulder.

"I love you." Nick murmured sleepily, and I could see that his eyes were barely open.

"I love you honey." I smiled, settling myself to sleep against him with Ace on the other side of me.

In the morning, I was woken up by the alarm system in the house. I bolted off the couch, slipping Nick's undershirt on and running into the kitchen where the key pad is, holding my high heel because it was the first thing I grabbed. Lucky for me, we weren't getting robbed. Nick was at the key pad, trying to get it to turn off. He looked at me and I let out the breath I must've been holding in.

"I changed the password." I said, punching in the numbers and shutting it off.

"I didn't mean to wake you. Or set the alarm off at all actually. I went outside to get the mail and I forgot it was armed. I'm sorry." He showed me a pouty face.

"It's okay." I smiled, putting my hands on his shoulders, rubbing my hands up and down his arms to warm up.

A few hours later, after we still had time together by ourselves, the kids were dropped off at home from Nick's parents'.

"Oh my gosh, it was so fun. Grandma let me eat sooo much chocolate and she told me not to tell you but-" As our youngest daughter was spilling out all of the excitement she had with her grandparents, Nick stopped her, and rushed to the bathroom. I followed him from a distance and as he shut the door fast, I heard heaving. He was throwing up for the second time this morning. It was only nine thirty. I opened the door a little bit, seeing the toilet seat up and Nick was kneeling on the floor.

"Baby...?" I asked softly.

"Worst hangover." He started before being interrupted again by more puking.

"Ever." Nick finished, leaning against the wall next to the toilet. I stepped over and crouched next to him, putting my hand on his knee.

"Aw, sweetheart." I stuck my lip out. He closed his eyes and groaned in pain.

"Are you done now?" A smirk played on my lips.

"God, I hope so." He muttered. He slowly stood up, going over to the sink to brush his teeth. Suddenly, I heard Aster wailing.

"What is wrong?" I asked her, hurrying into the kitchen. Her eyes were watery as she looked at me with a big pout on her lips.

"Daddy's mad at me now. And Lexi's bein' mean." She cried out.

"Baby, daddy is not mad at you. And what did Lexi say?"

"She says I'm a mistake." Aster pouted even more, big tears falling down her cheeks. My eyes narrowed and I looked toward the stairs where my oldest daughter retreated to her bedroom when they all got home. Nick stood at the doorway, wiping his mouth, and widening his eyes at the sight of his daughter crying.

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