Chapter 39

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"How'd you sleep?" Nick asked, rubbing his eyes tiredly and putting his other hand through his messy, morning hair. I narrowed my eyes at him, scowling.

"Not in the mood Nick." I whipped around on my heel, walking promptly to the living room. I slipped on a pair of dress pants and a button up blouse from the laundry basket, quickly changing. Then I went into the entryway seeing that my stilettos were still there. Nick followed.

"Let's just talk about it. We both-"

"There's nothing about we Nick. You blew up at me for no reason." I jabbed my finger at his chest, looking him dead in the eyes.

"I'm home." I heard Nick call through the house. The kids were all up in their rooms, and I hoped they listened to me and went to bed like I asked. I met him in the kitchen.

"How was your day?" I asked, taking the grocery bag from him.

"Awesome. I'm going out with a few friends tomorrow night. I saw them today and they invited me to their party." Usually, when he was invited to things like this I was always going along no matter what. But this time, that didn't seem like the case. I took a deep breath and tried my best not to get upset about it.

I opened the bag and took out what I asked Nick to get me at the store on his way home. He forgot the one thing I begged him to get because I haven't had a chance to. The hand sanitizer that I make sure Aster always has in her room, so that she doesn't notice ever running out of it. Although, she does quite quickly. All I saw was red as I began to yell.

"One thing! And you couldn't even do that, God, now she's going to hate me. Whenever I ask you to do something you always have something else going on and I am sick and tired of it."

"Are you serious right now?" He widened his eyes at me, putting his hands on the counter and leaning forward. I paused for a second.

"Hmm....let me think about that. Yes, of course I'm serious Nick! God!" I turned to walk out the front door.

"Where are you going?!"

"To get air!" I shouted, slamming the door behind me.

Sure, I know that it wasn't all his fault. And I was the one that blew up, but as I looked up at him, I saw that he was willing to just let me win this one. But I wasn't going to pretend I didn't do something wrong.

"I'm sorry, okay. Yes, I blew up at you." He smirked and gathered me in his arms.

"That's my girl." I heard the smile in his voice as he kissed the top of my head. I bit my lip, hugging him tighter.

"I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here." I murmured, squeezing my arms around him tighter.

"Me too baby. Me too." He rested his chin on the top of my head, and I could feel his chest rise and fall as he breathed. The only sound in the room this early in the morning, as everyone was still sleeping.

"Forgive me for starting the fight?" I asked, sticking out my bottom lip in a pout as my eyes locked with his.

"Of course." He kissed me. I went over and slipped my feet into the pair of heels, suddenly about an inch taller then my husband.

"Where're you going?"

"Shopping. There's a lot more that we need for the house. I might even treat myself." I winked and grabbed my purse, slipping on my giant sunglasses.

I was at the mall until at least two in the afternoon before Nick finally called and asked where I was and when I'd be home. I was just at Victoria's Secret when my phone rang. I answered it, holding all of the bags on one arm.

"Hey stranger." I said to the phone, going through a rack of nightgowns.

"Hey. When are you coming home?"

"Why?" A smirk spread on my lips. I pressed the phone between my ear and shoulder, holding a baby blue nightgown against myself to see how it looked. I shook my head, putting it back.

"I miss you." He whined. For a split second, it's like we're at the honeymoon phase all over again. When we agreed on absolutely everything, had no worries other then making sure we were still attached at the hip every minute of every day.

"What? My husband, Nicholas Jerry Jonas, missing me? Impossible." I scoffed sarcastically, smiling to myself. I walked through the store another time, leaving with a bag of lingerie. As I walked through the mall in my insanely loud high heels that clicked against the glass, tile floor, I heard him sigh on the other end.

"Not funny Kaitlyn."

"I thought it was." Then I saw a poster on the window of the music store of his latest album. It's been out for a few months, but it was still up.

"I see a hot guy on a poster." I smirked and switched to FaceTime him so he could see it too. He smiled, and it was still the cutest damn thing ever.

"I think I might ask him to take me home with him." I winked.

"Well...he's one lucky guy."


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