Chapter 30

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"Let's get pizza!" It was our first night in Bora Bora, and we were exhausted from the day's many activities. We had set up to go snorkeling in the ocean, which was amazing. We also did a lot of walking around and sightseeing.

Nick came in the bedroom, sitting on the bed next to me.

"What other places are there?" He asked, whining. I looked at the booklet that listed restaurants around here.

"Do you want to go out of stay here for the night?" I asked as he laid on his back. He glanced at me.

"I don't know."

"Okay then, we're staying here and ordering pizza." I declared, getting ready to call the pizza place. As I dialed their number and put the phone to my ear, he began singing while he tapped his fingers on his chest and looked up at the ceiling. I just looked at him and smiled.

I ordered for us, and by the time I was done, he was halfway through his song 'Close'. My husband looked at me, still singing.

"Join in babe." He smiled to me.


"Come oooooonnnnnnnn." I had a horrible singing voice, at least I believed that I did. He told me my voice was amazing, but I never believed it. But I started to sing with him anyway.

"I don't like the way he's looking at you, I'm starting to think you want him too. Am I crazy have I lost ya, even though I know you love me can't help it...." My voice faded out and he began just singing to me. The first time this happened, the night he proposed, I was completely blown away. And my heart still did flips every time.

Our food got here about forty five minutes later, and I ate like I haven't eaten in days. Nick and I talked and talked the night away. We talked about when we first got together, when we had all of our firsts, and how we met. What it was like to be having kids, and how we had managed it we will never know.

"You were walking down the aisle, and I swear I almost lost it. Joe had to tell me to suck it up." He said, laughing. I ate another piece of pizza and giggled. He really was my everything.

"You're my favorite rockstar, you know. I could've picked Joe or another one, but nope, I chose you."

"Duh. I mean, what does Joe have that I don't?" He raised his eyebrow, expecting a legit answer. I played the game.

"Well he does-"

"Excuse me?" Nick came over and hovered over me on the bed, laying me on my back. I bit my lip and smiled up at him, amused.

"That's what I thought." His lips landed on mine, and before I knew it, we were under the sheets. The way he made me act, I never understood. It was like he took over me and he was controlling me. I couldn't think straight when he kissed me like he had never kissed me before. It was like the first time every time.

Later that night, we were watching a movie in the hotel room, and I suddenly became hungry. Only problem was that we didn't have any food up here.

"I'm hungry. But we don't have any food." I said, pausing the tv.

"Then let's go get some. There's a gas station right by here I think, we can go pick something up there." He swung his legs over the bed, sliding on jeans and putting on a shirt. I did the same and threw my hair up into a bun so it didn't look like a total mess.

Nick and I made our way out of the hotel, and just as he suspected, we walked to a gas station next to it. Inside, the fluorescent lights were slowly burning out, a few were flickering rapidly. There were other people here, and it was eerily quiet.

I went over to the snacks and grabbed white cheddar popcorn. I put it in his hands, and then grabbed a tin of Pringles, and a couple bottles of water to take back.

"Anything you want?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. He looked around and then his eyes lit up.

"Go grab those sour gummy worms over there for me." I went to the next aisle over and grabbed two small bags of them and then we checked out.

On the walk back to the hotel, it started to get chilly as the night was setting in more. I grabbed his hand subconsciously and interlaced my fingers with his. When we got up to our room, I started eating right away.

"That hungry, huh?" He chuckled at me. I nodded, putting more popcorn in my mouth.


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