Chapter 28

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"Your eyes are so beautiful, you know that's one of the first things I noticed about you."

"What was the first?" I questioned my husband, putting on my seatbelt across my lap.

"Honestly?" I nodded.

"Your curves. First thing, boom." He goofily grinned at me, and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Well, the first thing I noticed was the fact that you couldn't quit staring at me." I smirked.

"Look where it got us though." He pointed out before quickly kissing me, thinking that ended the conversation. I sarcastically rolled my eyes while trying to hide my smile. Which was near impossible to do around him at any time. The pilot's voice came over the speaker, and then we were cleared for takeoff. Our seven and a half flight to our destination was beginning.

Throughout the trip, Nick and I played games on my iPad and watched movies provided by the airline tv's. When it finally got dark outside, I tried to go to sleep. I put my head against Nick's because he was leaned against my shoulder, already sound asleep. I slipped my hand into his, locking our fingers together as we slept.

The lights came on in the plane, and I felt us roughly hit the runway. I jolted awake, my husband waking up as well. He had lines on his face from his cheek being pressed against my jacket. He sleepily smiled at me, rubbing his eyes awake. I did the same and stretched as I took off my seatbelt.

"We have opened the cabin. Thank you for flying with Delta Airlines, and we hope to see you again soon." The pilot said, and then everyone started getting their bags from the overhead cabins. Nick and I waited and he grabbed his backpack and I got mine as well. We made our way off the plane, and I was still half asleep. We had another short flight to get to Bora Bora exactly, and I could tell that we would be on a very small, crowded plane. The airport was super small.

We walked to our gate, and I clutched my boarding pass in my hand, hanging onto Nick's arm with the other one. As we walked, people kept trying to stop us, so Nick made sure to make it quick. Stop for three seconds, then keep going. Just long enough for them to get a picture. At the gate, we stood in the crowd, tired as ever.

Once it was time to board, we found our seats and sat down, squished together. I was by the window, and it was really dark outside besides the lights illuminating the planes and other vehicles.

"Only one more hour. Then we'll be in paradise." Nick murmured to me, grabbing my hand after I fastened my seatbelt.

"Just us." I leaned my head on his shoulder, my face in his neck. I kissed him lightly, snuggling in to try and sleep again. I ended up sleeping the entire time without realizing it. We took a taxi to our hotel, deciding to rent a car tomorrow when we're more awake.

"Thank you." Nick said to the driver, giving him a fifty. We got out of the van, grabbed our bags, then checked into the hotel. We had a room reserved on the top floor. There weren't too many rooms on the very top floor, and so far, we were the only people staying up there.

A bellhop took all of our luggage up to the room for us. It was the biggest, and most expensive hotel room I've ever been in. There were four rooms. A bedroom that was completely closed off, a small kitchen, a little living room, and a bathroom. The bathroom was massive. I flopped onto the bed, and I was in love with it immediately.

"I love this vacation already." I smiled, closing my eyes and sighing happily.

"Me too babe. I'm tired." Nick agreed, getting under the covers. I heard him sigh, so I'm guessing it was equally as comfy under the covers. I stripped from my shirt and pants and just slept in my bra and panties. I got under the covers, and let my body sink into the mattress.

"I needed this. Thank you so much sweetheart, you're the greatest." I nuzzled against my husband. He looks down at me with a sleepy smirk.

"So I've been told." Then he yawns. After about not even ten minutes, we both fall into a deep sleep, tangled in one another.


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