Once at the lane to turn off, Murdoc chuckled and proceeded to make a rather sharp turn. You slammed your shoulder into the car door and yelped a bit. "Hey! What the bloody hell was that for?!" Murdoc laughed ans snorted, putting on his turning signal and pulling off into the parking lot of a seemingly run down burger joint. "For threatenin' to bite off my baby maker." He stated matter-of-factly. You rubbed your shoulder and rolled your eyes. "There isn't a drive-thru here. You sure you want to go in, Muddz?" Murdoc nodded and tied his bandanna back on. "You're coming in with me, lets just make it snippy." You nodded and unbuckled your seat belt. "Good, because I've gotta piss."
The two of you headed away from the car and into the small burger place. "Muddz, could you just get me some fries and a drink? I really need to use the restroom, I'll be right back." Murdoc held the door open for you and smiled softly. "Yeah, go on ahead. I don't mind," you smiled back at him and looked around for the bathroom sign. Once you found it, you walked down the hall and into the girls restroom. The place was dirty, and the mirror was a bit smudged, but you decided to look at yourself anyway. You looked much different compared to when you had last seen yourself. The gash on your cheek and your hoodie - which had Murdocs dried blood on it- made you look like some biker chick that had just woken up from a nap in the dumpster of a gross, scum bag bar. Which wasn't all too exaggerated, since you had slept in the parking lot of a dirty bar, in Murdoc's trash filled car. You looked at your hair and sighed deeply. It was messy, but in a way it suited you. Especially with your cut and all. You took off your hoodie and ran some cold water over the blood in an attempt to get it out. But it wouldn't come out. You furrowed your brows and scrubbed the sleeve with your nails harder and harder, until eventually the blood began to turn the water in the slow draining sink to a deep burgundy. You continued to really work your fingers on the stain; until it began to burn. The water made the tips of your fingers and the skin beneath your nails burn. You hissed in pain and quickly shut off the water. You looked at your hand and blew hair aggressively from your nose. You looked from your hands back up to the mirror, and trailed your eyes down to your shirt. Your heart beat accelerated, and your clenched your fists. You grabbed the collar of it and pulled it as hard as you could, causing you to rip wear the buttons were, and the rip trailed down. You let go with trembling hands and looked at yourself once again. You looked like a mess. You tore off your shirt and flung it to the side of the bathroom, your chest rising and falling rapidly. You didn't even bat en eye at it. You turned back to the mirror and stared at yourself in the eyes.
You flipped your part over to partially cover the gash in your face, and you tried to rinse your face off with some of the water that hadn't yet gone down in the sink. You smiled at yourself weakly, your upper lip trembling. You balled your fist and rose your shoulder. You then swiftly hurled your fist into the mirror, right onto the reflection of your face. The broken, bloody glass scattered around you. You recoiled your arm and held your bleeding hand tightly against your bare chest. You opened and closed your hand a few times, praying it wasn't broken. You didn't know what came over you. Seeing that shirt, seeing yourself. It filled you with regret. And a lot of self hate. A sudden knock on the door startled you. "Ey, luv, they said your fries will be ready soon. I have your drink out here on tha' table. You ok? You've been in there for a while..."
Your knees buckled, and your held onto the sink to keep yourself up. You stared at your hoodie and yanked it out of the sink. "Yes...yes I'm okay...I..." you put your hoodie back on and turned to the door, when a sudden realization stabbed into your heart. It was his fault you were here. You felt your face heat up to a 100 degrees, and you walked over to the door. You aggressively swung it open, causing Murdoc to back up against the wall. He pulled down his bandanna and frowned at you. "Your eyes are red, are you sure everything is okay, (y/n)?" You said nothing but you tapped your foot on the tile floor in frustration. He looked to your feet, and then to your hand. He raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth in shock. He grabbed hold of your hand and pulled you closer. You winced and hissed, but he didn't let go. He was simply gentler. "(Y/n)... what happened?" You narrowed your eyes and looked down at his hands covering yours, and you suddenly felt much more relaxed. You no longer wanted to break his nose for the tenth time, but you wanted to hold him. So that's what you did. You threw your free arm around his shoulders and pressed your chest against his. You placed your forehead on his shoulder, and looked down at his hands once again. "I hate myself for coming with you." You whispered, tears beginning to fall from your eyes.
You heard his heart pick up face, and you felt his chest rise and fall against yours. He removed his hands from yours, and he wrapped his arms around you. "You were in the heat of the moment. I never knew that you were going back to school, I never knew you had your whole life planned out... I'm sorry I uprooted you from all that..." He mumbled, rubbing his hands up and down on your back. You inhaled and exhaled deeply, your heart finally slowing to a normal pace. "It's okay."
He pulled you back from his body and smeared away the tears beneath your eyes, trailing his thumbs from your nose to the sides of your face. He left his hands on your cheeks and met eyes with you. His cheeks were tinted pink, and his eyes were large. "It's not okay, it never will be okay." You curled your upper lip and looked down. "No, really, it's fine. Let's just eat and get out of here," you said, shrugging. He sighed and nodded, letting go of your face. "Alright, our table is right by a window with a pretty view of where the sun will be settin'." He smiled softly, and to your surprise, you managed to smile back.
Once at the table, you sat down on the cushioned side and pulled your drink over to you. You looked around as Murdoc took a seat across from you. It had a few other people in it, and it was actually a decent size. But, the seats were all tattered, and the floors were pretty dirty. You could tell it was an older place. It smelt like cigarettes and strong, black coffee. "Luv, you're sittin in the seat where ya won't be able to watch the sun set." He snorted a bit, but you still weren't in a laughing mood. You shrugged and placed your elbows on the table. You spun the straw in your drink around and cocked a brow at Murdoc. "What'd you get me?"
"Oh, uh, I got you Sprite. Is that... is that alright? If not, I can run up and get you something else!" You could tell he was trying hard to make you happy. Although it wasn't your favorite drink, and you would have preferred water, you shook your head and smiled at him. "That's actually my favorite! Thank you, Muddz." Murdoc chuckled and smiled back. "You're very welcome. Tha' fries are gonna be brought over 'ere later. I might get a coffee soon, I don't feel like restin' tonight." You nodded and took a sip of your soda. "Could you get me one, too?"
"Of course! I'd be more than happy to,"
"Thank you."
The waitress brought over your fries with a smile, but she didn't say a word. She glanced down at your hand and stuck her teeth. You tapped your fingers on the table and looked away out of embarrassment. Murdoc cleared his throat and raised his brows at the older woman, and she simply nodded and returned to her station. "At least it isn't bleeding anymore." He blurted, leaning over the table to look at your hand closer. "And... there isn't any glass stuck in it." You bit your bottom lip and shoved your hand into your hoodie pocket. "Yeah, that's true." You and Murdoc began to eat the warm, freshly cooked fries. You felt much happier now than you had about an hour ago, even though you still wanted to die.
Murdoc looked over your shoulder and smiled from cheek to cheek. "The sun is settin'," You turned around and looked out of the window. Out of a city, the colors were so much more vibrant. The orange and pink from the sun blended into the dark blue of the night sky. Your eyes lit up and you couldn't help but smile. "Muddz, it's so pretty out here," you paused and turned back to face Murdoc. "Isn't it?"
His face was as pink as the shade in the sky, and he was biting his bottom lip. "Yeah it's... actually beautiful." But rather than looking over your shoulder, his eyes were trailing your face. Although you didn't notice, you felt your stomach tie itself into a knot. You took another sip of your drink, grabbed a handful of fries, and turned back to the window.
"I'm gonna get our coffee now, and then we can form a plan to get onto tha' ship."
You choked on your fries, the sudden realization that you were about to do something very illegal hitting you like a flaming arrow. "Yeah... okay..." you mumbled.
"I'll be right back, luv."
"Take your time."
A/N ; Sorry for not updating very much. I have a lot of stressful things going on, stuff like my parents, school, sports and boys. I'll update when I can (:

murdoc x reader
FanfictionMurdoc was out on a run to get some instruments to start a new band during a small break up of Gorillaz. His second stop was a small music shack to get some new guitars. With the cops on his ass already, all he wanted to do was be in and out and rec...