It was beautiful.
The sun had finally set, and the purple, green and golden lights from the streets were glowing. You rolled down the window, stuck your arm out, and leaned over a bit so that the fresh, cool air would strike your face. It blew your bangs back and ran through your fingers. Although the city streets were busy, there was some sort of peace to being here. Felt much better than being stuck at sea, and then stuck on a beach. Your moment of serenity was cut short by Murdoc slamming on the breaks. "Son of a-!" he slurred curse words under his breath and slammed his hands down on the steering wheel. You directed your attention out of the windshield, and your eyes widened in disgust.
In front of the car were three middle aged women. All of which had no tops on, but beads to cover their nipples. You scrunched your nose, trying not to let out the howling laughter you normally would. You crossed your legs and cleared your throat. You looked over to Murdoc, his face painting a picture of disgust and curiosity. "Why the bloody hell are..." he passed to honk the horn, the three women giggling and trotting off over to a crowd. "these old ladies naked in the streets?!" You couldn't contain it any longer. You threw your head back and laughed louder than you had in a few months. "Muddz, obviously its mardi gras. Have you never heard of it? Or even what they do here?" Murdoc continued down the road, a bit slower now. He bit his bottom lip and shook his head. "Of course ah've 'eard of it. Just didn't know that people got naked 'ere for it." He grumbled, seemingly a bit embarrassed. You giggled again, leaning forward and resting your elbows on the dashboard. "Its not just about that... my parents met here actually... here." You placed your hand gently on his. "Why don't we go get some drinks?" Murdocs face lit up and he chuckled under his breath. "Sounds like a plan ta' me, luv."
Things between you and Murdoc had, escalated, in a way. Nothing sexual had come up yet, although there were a few times between Florida and New Orleans that something almost happened. But each time you chose it wasn't right. You really did have feelings for him, and you made it pretty damn obvious, but you didn't want to rush. You two weren't even official.
Once Murdoc found a place to park, the two of you hopped out. You were wearing a rather cute shirt Murdoc had bought for you as a surprise in Georgia. It was white with a peach on a pocket on your left breast, the letters GA in cursive down in the right hand corner of said tiny peach. And for pants, you had on some light wash jeans with a few tears you had convinced Murdoc to steal for you. It was easy, surprisingly. You probably could have done it yourself. Murdoc, on the other hand, was wearing a black collar shirt you had picked out for him, with the same damn pants he had been wearing since you met.
You ran your fingers through your hair and teased it a bit, waiting for Murdoc to come around to your side. You took this time to admire your surroundings. The bars and restaurants around were bright and beautiful. It was a pretty good time to stop you decided.
Murdoc cleared his throat, causing you to look over at him. He smiled softly and placed his arm around your waist. Your heart beat sped up. "Ya know... You shine brighter than all these lights, luv~" he purred into your ear. You loved when he was corny. You snorted and playfully pushed him back. "Nah, that's all you baby cakes." You teased. He chuckled and pulled you right back in. "Shall we go?" You nodded and reached up, giving his cheek a peck.
"I would like that."

murdoc x reader
FanfictionMurdoc was out on a run to get some instruments to start a new band during a small break up of Gorillaz. His second stop was a small music shack to get some new guitars. With the cops on his ass already, all he wanted to do was be in and out and rec...