You jumped up, your heart beating out of your chest. You were drenched in sweat, and you felt disgusting and alamred. You didn't even remember what horrible dream you had to make you feel this way. And honestly, you were a bit thankful for that. You exhaled through your nose and looked around the room again. And of course, you were still under water in the middle of what you presumed was an ocean. You stood up with shaky knees and stretched your back. You wanted to get out of here, but first and foremost, you needed to shower. You could smell yourself, and you most definitely didn't like the stench coming from yourself.
You walked over to the small bathroom and looked around. There was a dirty mirror, a shelf with some soap and shampoo on it, a few towels, and a tooth brush you didn't trust. You stripped, leaving your sweat drenched pajamas on the bathroom floor. Next, you turned on the shower. It took a few minutes to get on and get it to the right water temperature for you. Finally, you snatched a bar of soap and slipped the shampoo bottle beneath your armpit.
You climbed in carefully. The shower was actually not all too dirty. To your surprise, there was no hair or bugs in it. That made you happy. You began by lathering the soap on your hands, and then started to wash off the makeup you had done for your concert. Of course there were people looking for you. New upcoming female artist vanishes at last concert of world tour after going outside to meet a man who somehow had her number and called he sugartits...
Sounded like a joke headline.
You tried not to think about your fate too much as you continued to rinse off.
You made sure to get every inch of your body clean, including your hair of course. Once you felt clean enough to function, you shut the water off and opened the shower curtain. You grabbed a clean white towel and dried yourself off. You glanced down at your pajamas and thought for a moment. Those were your only change of clothes, you better wash them.
So, you turned the shower on yet again, and washed the clothing with some shampoo. Once they no longer smelt like a dirty locker room, you squeezed the shirt and your panties as dry as possible, and put them on. You sure as hell weren't going to walk around your prison cell naked.
You left the bathroom and walked to the center of the main room. There really were no ways of escape. You could easily kill yourself, but it didn't seem like that severe of a situation just yet.
Admittedly, you should have been more worried. You were trapped underwater. But, you held yourself together and tried to be adult about the whole predicament you were in.
You sighed and shook your head. There was nothing for you to do in here, other than sleep, playing the guitar and keyboard, bathe, and cry.
You walked to the bed and sat down, bringing your knees up to your chest. You began to hum songs that usually calmed your nerves.
Just as you had finally soothed yourself, the door creaked.
Your kidnapper was opening it.
Your heart stopped and your brain filled with fuzz. You pulled the sheets up over your legs and pressed yourself against the wall, trying to become as small as possible. You didn't know what to do, so you did nothing. You simply sat there and waited for your life to end.
"Ah, you're awake!"
Your entire body felt like it was on fire, and you thought you were going to explode. You were mixed with many different emotions: none positive.
"What the actual..."
"Now now, luv. Don't start cursin at me. I brought ya some food and clothes. Now, I supposed you have qu-"
"Murdoc what the fuck am I doing here, and why the fuck are you green? Better yet... how are you green?"A look of disgust found its way on to your face, and stuck there like paper to glue.
"I'll eh, answer your bloody questions later. Eat up for now. I'll be back in a few hours to tell ya what you're gonna be doin for me."
He slipped the things he had brought you through the bars, and closed the door as if holding an ex girlfriend hostage underwater was a normal thing to do.
You remained on the mattress, your eyes glued to the clothes and fruit he brought you.
You hadn't seen him in so long, and now he was green? How the hell does that work?
You shut your eyes tight and rubbed your temples with your index fingers. "There's no God damn way this is real..." You mumbled. After a bit of thinking, you decided to get up and go get the fruit and clothing.
Murdoc brought you two pairs of incredibly short shorts, a black pullover hoodie, a striped tank top, and a bit of a baggy t-shirt that had an AC/DC album on the front. The fruit he gave you was a simple green apple and a banana. You groaned and tossed the clothes on the mattress, and placed the fruit on the keyboard.
This was so unreal. Murdoc Niccals took you away from your life yet again.
What good luck you had.

murdoc x reader
أدب الهواةMurdoc was out on a run to get some instruments to start a new band during a small break up of Gorillaz. His second stop was a small music shack to get some new guitars. With the cops on his ass already, all he wanted to do was be in and out and rec...