Your eyes fluttered open as the sun flooded in through the port hole window and painted the walls with light. You smiled softly to yourself, remembering last night, and better yet, remembering Murdoc. You let out a deep sigh and rolled over, expecting to see Murdoc laying by your side. But he wasn't. You furrowed your brows and rolled your eyes, sitting up in the bed and resting your back up against the headboard. "Stupid stupid stupid..." You mumbled. You rubbed your eyes and then proceeded to stretch your arms up as if you were reaching for the roof. You glanced over to Murdocs bed and cocked an eyebrow. The guitar was now laying on the bed, napkins and pens thrown about surrounding it. You squinted at it and decided to get up and go look at it. You pulled yourself out of bed, slipped on your pajama shorts, and dragged yourself over to the mess on his bed. You picked up a napkin and raised your eyebrows up in shock. "Snatch a piece of my wonderin' distant-far like yonderin' skin of my tooth like, seat of my boot like, fly in my soup like, where's the waitress? Can I take this, really, can I finish this? These years and all these-" the rest of the words were missing, probably scribbled down on another napkin. You reread what Murdoc had wrote, a smile slowly slithering onto your face. "He's... writing music." You began to sort through the other napkins in an attempt to finish the lyrics, when Murdoc busted back through the door. His eyes immediately went to what you were doing, and his face lit up like a stop light. "Wh-what are ya doing?!" He yelped, dropping his water bottle and rushing to your side. He shoved you trying to get you away, but you simply shoved him back playfully. You giggled and set the napkin down. "Muddz... why are you so embarrassed? Those are good, solid lyrics. Reminds me of a rap." Murdoc cleared his throat and stepped away from the mess a bit. He rubbed the back of his neck and blew his hair from his eyes. "Yeah... I uh... was jus' workin' on a song for tha' new band." You raised your eyebrows and nodded. "I like it... is it finished?" Murdoc shook his head. "Can't think of anything to add." You bit your bottom lip and scanned the napkins with your eyes. "Could I possibly uh... help?" You asked, a bit nervous to. Murdocs immense blush faded a bit and he smiled from cheek to cheek. "Sure, luv!" You squeaked a bit out of excitement and plopped down on his bed next to the guitar.
"What instruments are you thinking of using?" You asked, running your fingers over the hickory wood guitar, gliding your finger tips over the bumps and cracks. Murdoc thought for a moment and then shrugged. He took a seat on his bed next to the guitar as well. "Hmm, well, have you thought of adding in lyrics that aren't rap? Maybe just as something to surprise the listeners?" You tapped your fingers anxiously on the guitar, creating a beat as you did. "That eh... actually sounds like a good idea! And that beat, I like et' a lot, (y/n)." You stopped tapping your fingers and glanced down at your hand. "Oh, really? Should we maybe...?"
"Yeah, lets use it."Your eyes lit up and your smile began to reappear. "And for the lyrics, should it be a simple, soft singing? Something to go with the other words?" Murdoc nodded and grabbed a pen and a napkin. He placed the napkin on the guitar as a tabled and pressed the pen down. "Spit out what's on ya' mind, luv." You took a moment to think, your stomach suddenly tying itself into a knot. "Oh, y-yeah. Okay." You took a deep breath in through your nose and began to tap your foot on the floor.
"Close your eyes and see, when there ain't no light, all you'll ever be. Come and save the night, 'cause I don't leave. When the morning comes, it doesn't seem to say an awful lot to me... to me..." your voice was gentle and hushed, the tapping of your foot almost overpowering your soft and delicate voice. "All alone, all alone. All alone, all alone..." You stopped yourself from going on and slowly stopped tapping your foot. "And maybe it uh... just goes on and fades out that way?" Murdocs eyes were wide, and he had stopped writing half way. "(Y/n), that was amazing I..." he paused, and there it was again. That awkward silence you didn't necessarily mind. Just having him there in your presence made up for it. The only sound was the subtle sound of the waves crashing into the side of the ship. And then he broke the silence as he always did. "I think we should use that." You felt your face heat up again, and your eyes met with his. "OH sheesh, thank you. That... means a lot." Murdoc nodded and moved his hand over, placing it on top of yours lovingly. And then your heart stopped. He rubbed his thumb softly over yours and looked down to the napkins. "I think you should sing those lyrics, luv. Ya voice matches the words and the tone." You bit your bottom lip and looked down at his hand over yours. "I mean, if you really want." Murdoc moved his other hand under your chin and tilted your face up slightly, so your eyes would meet with his. "I would really like tha'." You cleared your throat and stood up. "Lets go get breakfast." You mumbled, trying to hide your pink cheeks by facing the other way.
"Heh, okay, luv."

murdoc x reader
FanficMurdoc was out on a run to get some instruments to start a new band during a small break up of Gorillaz. His second stop was a small music shack to get some new guitars. With the cops on his ass already, all he wanted to do was be in and out and rec...