"So, we're going to be gettin' on a cruise ship, so we have bedding. I'm guessing that the boat will have to stop at New Mexico or somewhere that has a closer port. If not, we can get off where ever it stops in America, and we can easily just get anotha' car and travel to Vegas!" He slammed his fist down on the diner table out of excitement and satisfaction, causing a bit of your coffee to jump from your cup and land on the table. "But, won't a trip that's so far and so long cost a lot? Therefor meaning that the people aboard the ship are going to be rich, and no offence, but we don't really look all too wealthy." Murdoc scrunched his nose and glared down at his balled fist, which was still resting where he had slammed it. "Solid point, (y/n)." He grumbled, not looking up from the table.
You thought for a minute, and then lunged at him a bit when you came up with a good idea. "Why not just stop some where on the way there steal some nice clothes? Or..." you began, looking out of the glass doors at the car. "We just buy some fancy looking clothes, and a suitcase for what we're wearing now." Murdoc raised his eyebrows and nodded. "Let's check the map in the car again, or maybe even get another one, maybe with more details," you stated, blowing on your coffee before taking a sip. Murdoc smiled and did the same as you. He looked out at the nearly fully set sun behind you and sighed deeply. "Today was nice, eh, (y/n)?" You shrugged in reply.
"I mean I guess. Better than yesterday for sure."
"Yeah. Sorry 'bout ya hand, luv."You looked down at your jacket pocket, which your hand was still in, and you sighed. "Its fine. It'll heal." Murdoc leaned over the table and tried to peer down at your lap. "Can I see it again?" You bit your bottom lip a bit and shrugged again, causing your hair to fall into your face a bit. "Of course, Muddz."
You pulled your shaky hand slowly out of your pocket and looked up at Murdoc. He raised his eyebrows and pouted. He leaned in even closer, scooting over his cup of coffee. "Mind if I...?" He began, extending a hand out to yours. You shook your head and placed your hand on his, getting a bit of your blood on it. But he didn't seem to mind. He gently caressed your bloody knuckles with his free fingers, being careful not to hurt you. You felt your face heat up, and you were incredibly glad he wasn't looking up at you. "Do you need anything? Some pain killers, maybe? We can leave now, I can go buy someth-"
You cut him off and pulled your hand back. "No, it's fine. Let's just focus on the task at hand." Murdoc sighed and leaned back in his seat. "If that's what you want, luv."
A/N; Sorry it's short, I felt a bit rushed (': pleasedontrushmeilupdatewhenican

murdoc x reader
FanfictionMurdoc was out on a run to get some instruments to start a new band during a small break up of Gorillaz. His second stop was a small music shack to get some new guitars. With the cops on his ass already, all he wanted to do was be in and out and rec...