The boat wasn't all that small admittedly, but it definitely wasn't big enough to be comfortable on. There was just enough room of you, Murdoc, your suitcase, and that blasted guitar that cost Murdoc the price of smelling at least partially decent until you found another store with cheep clothes. Your stomach growled from time to time, which was really annoying due to the fact that there was no way to stop it. On the bright side, Murdoc had done all of the rowing this far, even if it had only been about half a day. You were now in just your bra, shorts and underwear, the sun baking you under any other clothes you had attempted to wear. Murdoc, on the other hand, was wearing his shirt on his head and remained in his skin tight black jeans. Which amazed you. You took a big swig of your water and stuffed it back between your legs. You had been sitting criss cross for so long, you weren't sure you could move anymore. You placed your hand above your eyes as a shield and looked out over the horizon. "Are we even going to attempt to sleep at night? Or are we going to take turns?" You asked, not even bothering to look at him, because if you did the brutal sun would attack your eyes. "Ehh..." Murdoc hadn't exactly thought that far. He just wanted to get a move on in case they docked earlier than expected. "I think turns would be fair." You cut off his train of thought. You dipped your finger tips into the cool, refreshing water and sighed through your nose. "I'm not tired right now, though." You continued to talk, expecting a response but never getting one. "Are you tired?" You asked, beginning to get a bit frustrated. "Not really, luv." He finally replied, his voice rough from breathing in so much salty air. You couldn't see his face clearly due to the sun, but you imagined his lips were pretty chapped and his eyes probably had bags under them that he could have stored his clothes in. He hadn't been sleeping a lot it seemed, and he hadn't been drinking his share of the water. "Well, Muddz, maybe you should try and get some sleep tonight when it's cooler. I don't mind." You bit your bottom lip. You didn't really have a reason to be worried about him, but you still were. Murdoc groaned and sat up straighter, his back popping. "Yah, I could use ah' few hours of rest... but can you row this boat? Et's pretty hard-"
"I can do it." You blurted. Murdocs eyes widened in surprise and he cleared his throat. He nodded and smiled a bit. "Well eh, if yah really think you can, you can by all means try to when it get's coola'." You took your hand out of the water and dried it off on your shorts. "Good thing I have a jacket if it's going to get colder out here when the sun sets. But uh, are you going to be ok?" Murdoc chuckled and picked up pace with rowing, the boat bouncing a bit as he did. "Ah'll be fine. Ah'm I grown man. Jus' worry 'bout yourself, (y/n). The only thing I need right now is some whiskey." He laughed at his own sour joke, and then went back to being completely silent. You sighed and finally switched positions with your legs. You sat back against the, thankfully solid, rubber of the rescue boat and brought your knees up to your chest. You hissed in pain as you did so, your back tightening up. You stretched your arms up and twisted your back a few ways until it popped. You then went back to sitting and waiting for the sun to set.
You tried your best not to think about food. Since Murdoc rushed you, you didn't even have time to pack some crackers. But if it was really only a day or two until you reached land, then it wasn't that big of a deal, and you'd survive a few days without eating. You looked over to your left, out at the horizon line. The water was a deep blue, and you didn't even want to begin to imagine what all was down below the boat you were in. Your fears began to creep back onto you as the silence consumed you. You shook your head and sighed. "Can we talk about something?" You asked, hoping Murdoc would be okay with it. "Isn't much ta' talk 'bout." You scrunched your nose and curled your lip. "I was afraid you'd say that. It's just..." "Lonely." He finished your sentence for you, which oddly made your heart beat faster. "It's lonely for sure, luv. But it's best if I jus' keep my mind on this rowing." You agreed with him, a small yeah escaping from between your lips. You placed your finger tips in the water again, and counted the seconds until the sun set.
The vibrant warm colors painted the water in a display of pink and orange, a slight hint of purple here and there. You unzipped your suitcase and pulled out your hoodie. You slipped it on and stuffed your hands into your pockets, a cold gust of wind striking your face. Murdoc lifted the paddles out of the water and rested them over his lap. He then put his shirt on, rubbing his arms for extra warmth before once again placing the paddles in the water. "Murdoc, I can row now." You mumbled, moving your legs down so you could easily move to the front of the boat. "Are ya sure, luv?" He asked, his eyes meeting yours. You smiled softly and reached over. You placed your right hand over his, and rubbed the top of his cold hand with your thumb. "Positive. Let's trade spots, there's more room over here, you can get out my clothes and make a pillow on top of my suitcase, or anything if you want." Murdoc took his hand out from under yours and nodded. "Alright then," he slid to the side, moving out of the way as best he could. You scooted over next to him, careful to keep the weight evenly distributed. He grabbed onto your waist to help both you and him. You bit your bottom lip as he grabbed onto you, the feeling of his icy hands against your warm body was refreshing.
Once the two of you had moved around to suit your comforts, you grabbed onto the paddles and inhaled deeply through your nose. You pushed against the water, it being much easier than you expected. "Lucky you," Murdoc whispered, as if he was keeping a secret from the ocean itself. "we're goin' with tha' tide now." He unzipped your suitcase and grabbed out your clothes, being careful to keep them folded best he could. You chuckled under your breath and continued to row, your back facing where you were headed. Murdoc and you kept eye contact for a few seconds, until he slowly shut his eyes. You watched as he drifted off to sleep, a smile finding its way on to your face. You continued to row to your best ability through out the night. Over waves and once or twice around some rubbish floating about in the ocean. You were praying that the weather stayed so nice while you were out on the ocean. There were barely any clouds in the sky, and the wind wasn't nearly as harsh as you had presumed it would be. Your journey went on for the hours it was dark, your mind wandering and telling yourself stories to keep yourself occupied. You imagined your life after Murdoc created a new band. Better yet, you imagined your life with Murdoc. It was an odd thought. Picturing yourself living happily and in love with someone who was both a famous musician and your kidnapper. Out of all of the things that could have happened at work when Murdoc came busting in, this was the best. True, you were out on the ocean, facing certain death, running from the cops and living off of the land in a sense. But you were with him, and that's what had kept you going this far, and that's what you assumed would keep you going. So, you day dreamed of a life with Murdoc Faust Niccals. And it was a good dream.
As the sun came up, the temperature came up as well. You scooted over to the side of the boat and carefully placed the ores to your left. You took off your hoodie and looked to Murdoc. He was still facing you, and still asleep. Your eyes were heavy and your arms ached, and you could only imagine how exhausted Murdoc had been from rowing twice as much as you. You reached over and grabbed a water bottle, drinking a good amount of it. Not only did you have to preserve water, but you also didn't want to have the urge to piss. There was no bathroom, and no way you were going to pull down your pants and squat over the ocean. You decided to take a break with the rowing until either Murdoc woke up, or your arms didn't feel like they were about to fall off. On the bright side, now you'd have some pretty good muscle tone. And, at least in your bra you wouldn't get a weird tan. Because you were undoubtedly getting burnt by the sun. It was pretty much baking your back, which you knew would ache once you had to put on something other than your loose hoodie. You sighed and looked at Murdoc, debating on waking him up so you could get some sleep too. It had been about a day and a half, which means it wasn't too much longer before you were on shore, or at least near shore.
And finally, Murdoc's eyes opened. He looked to you and squinted, the sun hitting his eyes. "Ah... agh... you okay, luv?" You sighed in relief. "Yeah yeah, just really tired. I'm glad you got some sleep though." Murdoc sat up slowly and stretched his arms. "Yah, thanks for that, luv. 'Ow about we trade places now and you get some rest, eh?" He was so quick in his decision to go back to such a draining task, and you were thankful of it. "Yes please," you mumbled.
You and him switched places very carefully again, trying to your best abilities not to rock the boat too much. Once back to your original position, you balled up and laid down as Murdoc had, but faced the other way due to the sun striking your eyes. "Thanks Muddz," you smiled when you said his name, a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart. "No problem luv."

murdoc x reader
FanfictionMurdoc was out on a run to get some instruments to start a new band during a small break up of Gorillaz. His second stop was a small music shack to get some new guitars. With the cops on his ass already, all he wanted to do was be in and out and rec...