You sat down at the same table you had before, right across from Murdoc. You blew on your coffee and looked at him. He looked up from his breakfast, a mouth full of eggs, and cocked a brow. "What?" He questioned, swallowing the large bite of food that he had shoveled into his mouth. "I can't get over the fact that you were already writing music for your new band." You replied, taking a sup of your coffee. Although you instantly regretted it as it burnt your tongue. Murdoc scoffed and moved his food around on his plate, looking back down. "Are ya sayin' I'm not creative enough or somethin'?" He seemed offended, so you decided to try to change to subject. "O-Oh nothing... nevermind." Murdoc growled and sat back in his seat, still refusing to look up at you. "No, I want to know what'cha meant." He finished his sentence with a hiss. You leaned over and placed your elbows on the table. "Murdoc I didn't mean to offend you. I just meant that I'm shocked you're so serious about this. I just... still had a feeling you'd dump me off some where and leave me to die. I don't know. Just, anxiety I guess." Murdoc finally looked up at you through his shaggy, jet black hair. He crossed his arms and pursed his lips. "I wouldn't do that." You shifted in your seat and looked down at your coffee. "Yeah yeah, can't change anxiety though." The two of you sat in silence for a few moments before Murdoc stood up. "Do ya wanna go back to tha' room?" You directed your attention up to him and saw his calm, welcoming smile. You smiled a bit back and nodded. "Might as well!" You exclaimed, grabbing your coffee and standing up as well.
You and Murdoc began to walk back to the room, until he stopped in his tracks. You spun on your heel and faced him. "What's up, Muddz?" He smiled softly and walked over to the railing. You stood confused for a moment before deciding to go over and stand next to him. He leaned against the railing and looked out at the ocean. "Last night..." he mumbled, taking in a deep breath through his nose. Your heart stopped and dropped down to your stomach. You knew exactly what he meant, but decided to make him say it rather than being confusing all over again. "Yeah? What about it?" You tried to maintain yourself, tapping your foot anxiously on the floor. He looked over to you, the sun light striking his cheeks and highlighting the pink tint. You were sure that your face looked the same. "I meant it." His words were concrete, and they struck into your heart like an arrow. But rather than ice and cold beginning to form, it was fire. You bit your bottom lip and slowly eased out of tapping your heel on the boards beneath your feet. "I did too," you weren't nearly as confident with your words, although you felt completely confident in the moment. He fully turned his body to face yours and took a step forward. You remained still, but your heart was in a race with the rest of your body. He placed his left hand firmly on your hip, and moved his right hand to your cheek. You leaned into his touch, his hands cool against your burning face. Your eyes nearly shut, he began to rub his thumb on your cheek gently. "You're a doll," he whispered, a chuckle escaping his mouth. He moved his right hand further up your head and tucked a stray stand of your soft (h/c) hair behind your ear. Your lips parted slightly, and suddenly they were met with his.
You leaned into his shocking kiss, pressing your hips on his. The kiss was gentle, his lips dancing with yours. He broke it momentarily and pulled back, his left hand still placed on your hip, but now looser. "Now, let's go get to writin' eh, luv?" He snickered and let go of you, walking back down the deck. You stayed back for a moment, a bit dumbfounded, but then decided it was best not to question his sudden displays of affection.
Once in the room, you walked back to his bed and sat down. But rather than Murdoc doing the same, he walked over to the desk between the two of your beds. You twisted your back around and looked over at him. "What is it?" You asked, glancing to the paper he was holding. A smile climbed on to his face. "Just one more day, luv. One more day and we're back on land and back on tha' run!" You half smiled and turned back to the napkins and guitar. "Oh! Nice. Can't wait." Murdoc squealed like an excited kid on Christmas. "It's gonna be great, baby! The fame, the fortune, the ladies~" he purred, collapsing back onto your bed. Your heart sunk and your throat tightened. Ladies, you repeated in your mind. You took a deep breath in through your nose and shook it off. "Murdoc," you said sternly "lets get on with the song."

murdoc x reader
FanfictionMurdoc was out on a run to get some instruments to start a new band during a small break up of Gorillaz. His second stop was a small music shack to get some new guitars. With the cops on his ass already, all he wanted to do was be in and out and rec...