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sunlight blinded the green haired boy, as he slowly woke up.

"yoongi get your lazy ass up!! its your first day of your new school!!!"

loud groans escaped the tired boy's mouth, as he heard his aunt call for him. After 10 minutes, yoongi was already ready for his first day at his new school.

he got kicked out of his last school in daegu, for having too many fights, so therefore he got moved to live and go to school with his aunt in busan.

yoongi slowly chewed on some toast, as the clock ticks away.

"now. i want you to behave here and not get into trouble. i've got one of the local boys to walk with you to school. be nice to him please." yoongi's aunt explains with a smile.

yoongi just looks up at her, nods in agreement, and goes back to his toast.

thats when a small knock on the door is heard.

"mrs.. m..min?" A small voice asks through the door.

a wide smile is placed on his aunts face, as she opens the door happily.

a small orange haired boy, with chubby cheeks and a large scarf is standing there nervously.

"im.. here for.. yoon..yoongi?" he says cutely with a small grin.

a smirk places its way onto yoongi's face as he sees the small cute boy waiting for him. yoongi grabs his bag, and walks towards the boy.

"come on then cutie. Lets go." yoongi then winked at the now blushing boy.


The two boys start making their way to school, when yoongi broke the silence.

"whats your name, princess?"

The orange boy blushed a deep crimson.

"j..jimin.." he managed to stutter out.

"well jiminie, its very nice to meet you indeed" yoongi said grinning.

they returned back to the familiar silence and after a few more minutes they arrived at the school gates.

"bring me to the reception, and then i'll let you go, baby boy" yoongi let out confidently.

jimin just simply stared at the older boy, with red painted over his cheeks.

"o..okay then"

as soon as they stepped into school, two energetic boys suddenly ran up to jimin, crazily questioning him.

"Is he your boyfriend?!"

"do you love him?!"

"Have you done things yet?!"

"Has he kissed you?!"

"Why are you holding hands?!"

thats when jimin froze. He slowly looked down to find his hands were locked with Yoongis.

The two hyper boys just giggled at each other and their blushing friend.

"well i dont know who you both are, but my princess has to take me to reception. I guess i'll meet you all later. Bye for now" yoongi smirked the smaller boy, as they started walking off again.

Through out the walk, yoongi and jimin kept stealing glances at each other, making the younger boy quietly giggle.

As soon as they arrived, a small frown made its way onto jimin's face, knowing he'll be finally separated from the confident green haired boy.

"bye baby, ill see you later" yoongi whispered into jimin's ear, after placing a small kiss on the blushing boy's cheek.

After that kiss, jimin watched the boy walk into the office, and then finally he went to tell his two best friends, taehyung and jungkook, all about Min Yoongi.

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