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jimin ran quickly through the corridors of his new school. he looked down at his map, and slowly walked the hallway, trying to find his classroom.
he continued to walk forward while still staring at all the doors, trying to find his class.

he knew it was in this building somewhere and that it's a social studies class.

a loud voice shouted from behind jimin, making him jump.

"your the new boy? jimin, right?"
the loud voice asked.
jimin turned around, to face an orange haired boy who had a large smile on his face.
jimin smiled back nervously.
"yes.. that's me.." he replied quietly

"well jiminie, I'm hoseok and I'm in pretty much all of your classes so it's nice to meet you." his smile grew even more.

jimin plucked up the courage to ask hoseok about his class.

"um.. do you know where my social studies classroom is.. uh.. with Mr min?" jimin asked slightly louder than before.
hoseok diddnt answer, instead he just grabbed jimin's small wrist and pulled him to a door that jimin hadn't seen earlier.

jimin thanked hoseok and looked in the room before entering.
he saw a bunch of students sitting down, most of them staring and drooling over the boy stood at the front.
the boy at the front was young looking and he had fluffy black hair covering his forehead. his skin was pale milky and soft looking. he had a cute button nose and small soft looking lips.
his dark brown eyes had a sharp gaze over the whole classroom.
he wasn't dressed in the school uniform, but a black shirt and black trousers.

jimin thought the boy was absolutely beautiful and a work of art.
he smiled to himself as he walked into the quiet classroom.
as soon as he walked in the boy at the front spoke.

"park jimin your late. your new so I'll let you off. im mr min and welcome to social studies."

jimin's eyes widened. he was mr min?his teacher? he shook the thoughts of the beautiful boy off and nervously looked around the classroom, realising there was no spare desk or chair. mr min also noticed this too.

"sit at my desk for now. I'll sort it out for next lesson." mr min said emotionlessly.
all eyes were still on jimin, as he carefully sat down on mr mins chair and tried to pay attention to the class, but he couldnt help but to stare as his incredibly handsome and sexy teacher.

his thoughts broke off as the bell rang and he stood up after all the other students.

"park jimin stay. I need to talk to you."

jimin nervously smiled and nodded, walking over to mr min.

"what is it sir?" jimin asked quietly, while avoiding eye contact.

"firstly, it's out of class time so call me yoongi."

jimin nodded, letting yoongi continue.

"secondly, don't think I diddnt see the way you stared at me the whole lesson."

"do I have to punish you, jimin?"

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