vmin vkook

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/suicide warning/

jimin brightly smiled at his boyfriend taehyung. they've been dating for just over a year now and they couldn't be happier.
well that's what jimin thought.

jimin was loved by absolutely everyone. he was very handsome and nice to everyone. jimin was friends with everyone in his school, and even the teachers like him.
jimin thought taehyung loved him more than anyone.

"hyungie let's go to school together." jimin brightly smiled at his boyfriend. Taehyung just nodded, grabbed jimin's little hand, intertwined it with his and started walking.

"I heard there's a new boy in our class joining today." taehyung's eyes widened unusually. jimin looked over as his shocked boyfriend and laughed softly at him.
"dont worry hyung. im sure he's nice."

as soon as jimin and taehyung walked into school, whispers surrounded them.
there was one that stood out to jimin the most. it was saying that the new boy was taehyung's ex that moved away.
poor jimin just shrugged it off and continued walking onwards.

taehyung gently kissed jimin, and then walked off to his class, leaving behind a happy jimin.

jimin sat down in his seat, not noticing the new brown haired boy next to him.
jimin was happily annoying his friend yoongi, who was sat infront of him.
after a couple of pokes and slaps, jimin accidently knocked his pencil onto the floor.
a smirk slightly grew onto yoongi's face as jimin broke the class's silence and now all eyes were on him.

a large hand picked up jimin's pencil and put it on his desk quietly.
jimin's eyes landed on the hand and trailed up his strong looking arms.

"hello, my names jungkook. your jimin right?"

jimin smiled brightly at the new boy next to him and they started chatting.

the whole day then flew by, and before jimin knew, it was the end if the day.

he walked towards the gate quickly, exited to see taehyung.

jimin's whole body froze.

infront of him was his boyfriend with his hands all over jungkook.
there was only a couple more seconds of watching till their lips moved roughly against each other.

tears started running down jimin's face, as he continued staring at his boyfriend.

taehyung broke the kiss ad noticed jimin. he had a guilty look on his face.

"hey..jimin.. you probably heard that jungkook was my ex.. and honestly I used you this whole time.
I never loved you. I just wanted to make jungkook jealous that I had a new boyfriend already
but he's back now so...
sorry you had to find out like this.


jimin ran home after that, still with tears running down his face.

little did anyone know, jimin wasn't the perfect guy. he wasn't happy at all. in fact he was severely depressed and taehyung was the only thing that kept him alive for years.

but now?

jimin had nothing.

nothing and no one.

so he walked towards his bed and pulled something out from underneath.

a loaded gun

jimin held the gun close to his head

let out one more sob


and pulled the trigger.

and just like that, it was all over.

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