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I'm backkkkk 😋
Suicide + death warning
A small smile placed itself on jungkooks face, as he passionately stared into the eyes that he has married to. kim taehyung. with lust pouring out, their lips colided for what seemed like eternity. Time. It seemed to go so fast; then it happened. Time stopped.

The heart monitor beeped, sending a persistent ringing round jungkooks head. Sobbing quietly, he placed his horribly shaking hands over his dripping face. He could feel his heart break a little more as he observed his lovers condition.

5 months she was told. 5 months. Only one week had passed since taehyung was last smiling, laughing, singing, dancing... Now? He is struggling to hold on to life.

taehyungs dried out lips softly parted as his broken voice let out a few words.

"I.. love you.. no matter what happens.. "

A gentle smile slowly etched onto his face as he could feel himself slipping away. Screams and shouts flooded out of jungkooks mouth as he watched his husbands last breath.
He screamed for the doctors, and for them to bring him back - but all they did was look sadly at the destroyed man. Taehyungs distant eyes was the last thing she saw before she was rushed out of the hospital room.

White lilys. While lilys rested upon the wooden casket at the front of the room. Millions of tears raced down jungkooks cheeks as the ceremony celebrated his lovers life.
Inhaling a deep breath, he stood up and presented his speach.

Another slow week passed by without taehyung. Jungkook walked into the empty bathroom and look at the side. There sat a razor blade and a large bottle of pills.

With more tears dripping roughly onto the cold tiles, he stared at the two items. His shaking hand then reached towards the large bottle with words wrapped around it. He then opened the bottle, reaching in, then grabbed a handful of pills and popped them into his dried mouth. Lifting a small bottle above his head, he gulped down the clear liquid to wash down the medication.

a strong burning sensation ripped down his throat as the alcohol was swallowed.

more pills

more drink

more pills

more drink

more pills

the end.

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